HTML5 | MathML <munder> Tag

The MathML <munder> tag in HTML5 is used attach any accent or limit under the expression.

<munder> base underscript</munder>

Attributes: This tag accepts some attributes which are listed below: 

  • accentunder: This attribute defines the tag contains the accent or not. Possible values are true that means the elements is an accent that drawn closer to the base expression and false that means the elements is an limit that drawn closer to the base expression.
  • align: This attribute holds the alignment value of the underscript. Possible values are left, right and center.
  • class|id|style: This attribute is used to hold the styles of the child elements.
  • href: This attribute is used to hold any hyperlink to a specified URL.
  • mathbackground: This attribute holds the value of the math expressions background color.
  • mathcolor: This attribute holds the color of the math expressions.

Below example illustrates the concept of HTML5 <munder> tag:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML5 MathML munder tag</title>
        <h1 style="color:green">w3wiki</h1>
        <h3>HTML5 MathML <munder> Tag</h3>
            <munder accentunder="true">
                <mo> ⏟ </mo>
                <mo> = </mo>
                <mi>A Online Computer Science Portal</mi>


Supported Browsers: The browsers supported by HTML5 MathML <munder> tag are listed below: 

  • Firefox
  • Safari