HTML5 MathML notation Attribute

This attribute holds symbols those are each drawn as if the others are not present, using more than one symbol at a time can occur overlapping of symbols. This attribute is accepted by <menclose> tag only.

<element notation=”actuarial|bottom|box|circle|downdiagonalstrike|left|longdiv|madruwb|phasorangle|radical|right|roundedbox|top|updiagonalarrow|updiagonalstrike|verticalstrike”

Attribute values:

  • actuarial: This value is used to set the actuarial.
  • bottom: This value is used to set the bottom.
  • box: This value is used to set the box.
  • circle: This value is used to set the circle.
  • downdiagonalstrike: This value is used to set the downdiagonalstrike.
  • left: This value is used to set the left.
  • longdiv: This value is used to set the longdiv.
  • madruwb: This value is used to set the madruwb.
  • phasorangle: This value is used to set the phasorangle.
  • radical: This value is used to set the radical.
  • right: This value is used to set the right.
  • roundedbox: This value is used to set the roundedbox.
  • top: This value is used to set the top.
  • updiagonalarrow: This value is used to set the updiagonalarrow.
  • updiagonalstrike: This value is used to set the updiagonalstrike.
  • verticalstrike: This value is used to set the verticalstrike.

Example: Below example illustrates the notation attribute in HTML5 MathML.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<body style="text-align:center;">
    <h1 style="color:green">w3wiki</h1>
    <h3>HTML5 MathML notation Attribute</h3>
            <menclose notation="radical"
                    <mi> x </mi>
                    <mo> + </mo>
                    <mi> y </mi>
            <menclose notation="radical"


Supported browser: The browsers supported by HTML5 MathML notation attribute are listed below.

  • Firefox