HTML5 MathML numalign Attribute

This attribute holds the alignment value of the numerator, possible values are left, right and center. This attribute is accepted by <mfrac> tag only.


<element numalign="left|right|center">

Attribute values:

  • left: This attribute sets the numerator to the left.
  • right: This attribute sets the numerator to the right.
  • center: This attribute sets the numerator into the center.

Example: Below example illustrates the numalign attribute in HTML5 MatheML.


<!DOCTYPE html> 
        <h1 style="color:green"
        <h3>HTML5 MathML numalign Attribute</h3
            <mfrac bevelled="true"
                <mfrac numalign="center"


Supported Browsers: The browser supported by HTML5 MathML numalign attribute are listed below

  • Firefox