IBM Interview Experience for ASE (On-Campus)

Round 0 – Registration

On 8th August 2023, we were supposed to apply via our Campus Portal as well as the Career Portal Links of IBM.

Round 1 – Online Assessment

Number of students – 1000

Exactly, after 1 month i.e. 09 October 2023, we received a campus shortlist of the students who were eligible to write the online assessment.

The online assessment was held on HackerRank (1 Coding question – 45 Minutes), questions were really easy. Students got either of the questions.

  • [SET 1] Decode the chmod value where a string is given consisting of the rwx,r–,r– and return the value 744 giving that
    • r = 4
    • w = 2
    • o = 1
  • [SET2] Roman to Integer

Round 2 – English Assessment

On 09 October 2023 @ 4 PM

Number of students – 260

This assessment consisted of around 3 to 4 Sections including grammatical error finding, correct spelling, and appropriate words for a given phrase. Negative marking for wrong answers

Tip: If you are unsure then choose the’ ? β€˜ option

Platform – AON

Round 3 – Group Discussion

On 10 October 2023 @ 9 AM

Number of students – 97

We were distributed in groups of 10s, every group was mentored by a panel member by IBM. Topics assigned to groups were very generic for example –

  • Indian Education Systems
  • IoT and Blockchain
  • Online vs Offline

The GD went for around 30 minutes.

Round 4 – Interview (Technical + HR)

On 10 October 2023

Number of students – 52

Talking about my interview experience, I was asked –

  • About myself
  • Projects mentioned on the resume
  • Strength and Weakness
  • Difference between servlet and application
  • Can we embed an HTML Code in the servlet
  • Why Java is platform independent
  • Why Java is not a procedural language
  • Difference between applet and servlet
  • Difference between AWT and swing
  • Why is swing used in Java

Final Selection List

On 13 October 2023

Around 7 Students were selected.