IBM Interview Experience for Code Knack – CIC 2023

IBM Code Knack Experience – Hiring for 2023 Batch

Round 1 – Online Assessment

Round 1 was basically an online coding round which consisted of 1 coding question which was of easy level. The people who passed all test cases were selected. Some people who passed at least half of the test cases were also selected for the next round. If you are good at problem solving then this round is easy for you. The test was held on hackerrank.

Tip: Stay calm and try to read the problem statement properly.

Round 2 – English Language

The next round was an English Language Assessment round. The test consisted of basic English questions such as synonyms, grammar, etc. The catch here is the time limit. You have around 10 – 15 mins and in that time frame, you have to solve maximum questions. There is no limit on the questions. You have to be very quick and attentive.

Tip: Be very calm during this round as it checks your English and how quick you are with the answers.

Round 3 – Group Discussion

Round 1 and 2 were virtual rounds whereas the other rounds were held in offline mode. The third round was a group discussion round. All the students who cleared round 2 were called on a venue and then were divided into groups. Each group was given a topic and was asked to discuss that topic. Based on the group discussion, people were selected for round 4. Some topics were really common whereas some topics were unique. My group got a really complex topic due to which amongst 10 people only 2 of us were selected.

Tip: Give it your all. Try to counter people or support their opinions. Never wait for your chance. It won’t come ever. At the same time, you have to be very polite while expressing your thoughts.

Round  4 – Interviews

For this round, we were asked to carry our laptops at the venue. The results of the group discussion were out immediately. After that, we were given our slots for interviews. I was majorly asked about cloud in my interview. The questions revolved around Azure and other cloud services. I was also asked about software development life cycle questions such as agile model, scrum etc. I was also asked personality-based questions. I was also asked questions about my favorite domain and what will I do if I get into the testing domain. The interview was for around 30 – 45 mins. There wasn’t a general pattern in the interview. Everybody was asked questions on different domains.

After the interview, I got a mail of selection. Overall the whole experience was great and this is a great opportunity to get into IBM! All the best to anyone who is reading this.