What Is Ideas AI and How It Can Help You to Find $1M Startup Idea?

As time goes by, the world is witnessing a large impact due to Artificial Intelligence. Every single person who is in contact with digital tools is experiencing the benefits of AI every day in some or the other way. From helping in education to organizing multi-national companies, AI can upscale the effectiveness of human activities.

Being said that Artificial Intelligence can help in identifying the best idea in various domains such as helping entrepreneurs and small-time businesses to invent and much more. In such a scenario, to formulate the best possible business ideas, there’s this miracle AI app – Ideas AI.

In this article, we are going to see about the benefits of ChatGPT Ideas AI and how it can help in identifying the best business idea.

What Is Ideas AI and How It Can Help You to Find $1M Startup Idea

  • What is Ideas AI?
  • How to Use Ideas AI?
  • Benefits of using Ideas AI

What is Ideas AI?

Ideas ai is an AI tool created by Peter Levels and powered by Open AI. This tool uses an autoregressive language model (GPT-3) with deep learning to generate ideas. ChatGPT Ideas ai can generate a set of ideas by perceiving the user input and feedback, wherein we can like or dislike the idea and this feedback information is used to further filter the ideas. Further, Ideas ai features the best/top-liked ideas on its page every day along with that, it also displays the weekly and monthly best ideas so far.

Ideas ai claims that it has generated over 38,000+ ideas since its launch. This gives you a wide range of ideas in several hundreds of niches, where you can pick one or merge various ideas and work on them. Remember, Ideas ai can only ignite the spark in you and it is you who have to build the business. The ideas that are available in IdeasAI are multi-domain and can be perceived by people from any range of budgeting.

This can be a hub where a billionaire can look for ideas to start another domain of enterprise and a student trying to freelance. Also, as this is an AI bot, ideas are generated 24/7 and can be perceived at any time. The company claims that AI is self-developing and gets better to generate greater as time ascends.

How to Use Ideas AI?

Here are some steps you can follow to get a beneficiary idea from ChatGPT Ideas AI :


Open your browser and visit IdeasAI.com. This will direct you to the official page.


You can see a dialogue box asking for an email. Enter the mail and click on subscribe. You will receive a confirmation email to the specified mail address. Open the mail and confirm the mail.


Later on, scroll down the page, wherein you can find various topics for startup ideas. Find the niche you are interested in and click on it. You will find many ideas associated with the selected niche.

Benefits of using Ideas AI

ChatGPT Ideas AI is a unique AI tool helping startups and business entrepreneurs in creating a unique business. Here are some benefits you can gain from using Ideas AI:

1. Finding your Niche

The first step in making a workable idea is having an idea (pun intended). However, sometimes people with zeal and passion struggle to brainstorm and come to a conclusion to fix up on a specific idea or niche. In such cases, ChatGPT Ideas AI will come into the picture.

Ideas AI has hundreds of niches included in it, from home startup ideas to fashion ideas, from automation to building APIs, they have covered nearly every aspect that can build into a multi-million enterprise. For example, here are a few ideas you can look into to-

  • Automation– Building an automated ERP for wholesalers and distributors to streamline operations and keep track of inventory
  • Fashion– A platform for fashion & lifestyle influencers to discover brands and get paid for sharing their style
  • Investment– A “social network for crypto users”, allowing them to share their investment and trading strategies and follow other traders.

This event has a separate Million business ideas, for example, A platform to help farmers in India to manage their crops and sell directly to consumers over the internet.

Thus, you have numerous options, helping you to choose and make your own.

2. New Ideas Everyday

This AI tool is really at producing new ideas every day, with an average of 40 per day. As of now, ChatGPT Ideas AI has produced over 38,000+ unique ideas based on users’ likes and dislikes. There can be a possibility that you may love a freshly generated one or rather an aged old one, and something lit you up to construct a multi-million business.

3. Likes and Dislikes of Public

Every idea that is generated is displayed to the general public and it is voted on. This may give you the opinion of over one million people on every idea and can help you choose wisely. However, it is also important not to depend entirely on the likes and dislikes of ideas generated but rather take it as an additional point. The idea that is converted into a million-dollar enterprise can come from a rare niche. One must consider the possibilities of an idea based on the demographics present and the needs of the people.

4. Ideas to Mail

Subscribers will get daily emails about the ideas generated on that day, the best weekly and monthly ideas. This will keep you informed on how the world is looking into various new genres of ideas and exploring them. Because there can be an idea that went out of sight, such perks can be utilized in keeping an eye on every possible hit idea. You can merge such multiple ideas into a single idea and make it into a large-scale business.


Start-up ideas can bulge up from anywhere, even from the very chair you are now having a seat. AI is gathering such everyday ideas and presenting them to us, so we can utilize them to the fullest.

Finding an idea that has a scope of generating $1M became easy with tools like ChatGPT Ideas AI. It is now your turn to implement and make it possible with your innovation and hard work. All the Best!

What Is Ideas AI – FAQs

How does AI generate ideas?

AI generates ideas by analyzing data and patterns, then producing new content. It refines ideas based on specific input. While it’s a powerful tool for brainstorming, creativity still comes from human users who guide and interpret its output.

What are the idea generation tools?

  1. Brainstorming
  2. SCAMPER Technique
  3. Opposite Thinking
  4. Brainstorm Cards
  5. Analogy Thinking
  6. Idea Challenge
  7. Mind Mapping
  8. Role-Playing
  9. TRIZ
  10. Visioning

What is generative AI for idea generation?

Generative AI creates new, realistic content reflecting training data without repeating it. It generates diverse artifacts like images, music, text, and more.

What is the idea of artificial intelligence?

AI aims to make computers smart like humans, enabling them to solve problems, learn, and make decisions independently.

What are 4 types of AI?

AI can be grouped into four types:

  1. Reactive Machines: F.ollow preset rules, like chess computers.
  2. Limited Memory Machines: Adapt based on past interactions, like self-driving cars.
  3. Theory of Mind AI: Theoretical understanding of others’ thoughts.
  4. Self-Aware AI: Hypothetical consciousness beyond current capabilities.