7 Top ChatGPT Prompts for Brainstorming Startup Ideas

Starting a business is not easy. You have to think of an idea that you want to evaluate, understand how a business is started, then get a gist of the market, know about investors, etc. But don’t worry because ChatGPT saves yet another day. Generative AI helps new entrepreneurs get A-Z knowledge about business and related things.

With just one prompt or command the chatbot gives you a full detailed answer that will solve all your queries. It gives you crisp solutions and you don’t have to go on the internet to look for various articles and sources. Hence, ChatGPT Prompts for Brainstorming Startup Ideas are time and effort-saving.

In this article, we will take a look at some ChatGPT Prompts for Brainstorming Startup Ideas.

7 Top ChatGPT Prompts for Brainstorming Startup Ideas

  • 7 Top ChatGPT Prompts for Brainstorming Startup Ideas
  • Prompt 1: “Highlight three rapidly growing subsectors related to (industry) that have high potential.”
  • Prompt 2: “Generate innovative startup ideas that promote sustainability and environment development in urban cities.”
  • Prompt 3: “Generate a list of 10 high grossing business ideas.”
  • Prompt 4: “Suggest 5 startup ideas that require low cost and investment”.
  • Prompt 5: “Give a list of innovative and creative startup ideas that take advantage of growing technologies like AI or virtual reality.”
  • Prompt 6: “Provide business ideas that leverage the growing popularity of beauty and skincare.”
  • Prompt 7: “Propose startup ideas digitalizes people’s wellness and health and also generates high profit.”

7 Top ChatGPT Prompts for Brainstorming Startup Ideas

The following are top 7 ChatGPT Prompts for Brainstorming Startup Ideas for aspiring business owners. Simply sign in or sign up to your chatGPT account and type the particular prompt in the chatbot.

Prompt 1: “Highlight three rapidly growing subsectors related to (industry) that have high potential.”

Usage: This ChatGPT Prompts for Brainstorming Startup Ideas can be used when you need to access the information about the types of niches within a specific industry. Just add the type of industry that you want to build your business in and access all the strategies and ideas.

For example, if you need to establish a company based on the leverage of children’s toys then you will be provided with in-deapth details about various business ideas and strategies required to set up the particular niche.

Variations: “Generate top three subsectors within the (industry) with promising growth potential.”

Additional details needed: Type of industry you are considering.

Prompt 2: “Generate innovative startup ideas that promote sustainability and environment development in urban cities.”

Usage: When you are seeking details about new startup concepts that solve problems like pollution, resource management, transportation, etc that will lead to sustainable development in urban areas, you can type this ChatGPT Prompts for Brainstorming Startup Ideas.

After writing in this prompt, chatGPT will display various startup ideas that address the important issue of environmental protection.

Variations: “Suggest startup ideas that target the issue of sustainable development in urban cities.”

Additional details needed: You can mention a specific sector in which you can promote sustainable development.

Prompt 3: “Generate a list of 10 high grossing business ideas.”

Usage: This ChatGPT Prompts for Brainstorming Startup Ideas is used when you want details about those business ideas that will help you generate high profit. It is a great prompt that generates all the details about high profitable businesses.

After writing this prompt, the generative AI will help you get high profitable gains like digital marketing services for small businesses, online education platform, sustainable fashion brand, etc.

Variations: “Suggest 10 innovative business ideas that will genrate high revenue in less time.”

Additional details needed: Mention the time period in which you want profit or the type of niche.

Prompt 4: “Suggest 5 startup ideas that require low cost and investment”.

Usage: If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur but with a tight budget, you have to try this prompt. You can simply type this prompt in the chatbot and get access to startup ideas that run with a low cost and require low investment. It is a good ChatGPT Prompt for Brainstorming Startup Ideas.

Within seconds chatGPT provides with startup ideas that don’t require a high bugdet and investment that is perfect for beginners.

Variations: “Propose business ideas that run with a low cost and require low investment but also generate high profile.”

Additional details needed: You can type the type of sector you want to work in.

Prompt 5: “Give a list of innovative and creative startup ideas that take advantage of growing technologies like AI or virtual reality.”

Usage: The growing trend of AI in recent times can be highly profitable if you start a business out of it. Type this ChatGPT Prompt for Brainstorming Startup Ideas to get top startup ideas based on AI, VR or blockchain.

ChatGPT will now provide you with innovative and creative startup ideas that are solely based on emerging AI trends like AI-powered personalised shopping assistant, Virtual fitness assistant, AI powered language learning, etc.

Variations: “Best business ideas that focus on emerging technologies like AI or virtual reality.”

Additional details needed: None

Prompt 6: “Provide business ideas that leverage the growing popularity of beauty and skincare.”

Usage: Skin Care has become talk of the town. Various emerging businesses have earned millions of profit from this industry. In the same way the beauty industry also generates high profit. This ChatGPT Prompt for Brainstorming Startup Ideas makes you easily accessible to all the types of industries within the beauty and skincare niche that will help you earn large profit.

Multiple new business ideas are generated by the chatbot like mobile beauty service, virtual makeup consultant, beauty tech gadets retail, etc.

Variations: “Purpose business ideas leveraging on the growing demand of beauty and skincare including strategies on how to establish them.”

Additional details needed: None

Prompt 7: “Propose startup ideas digitalizes people’s wellness and health and also generates high profit.”

Usage: Another growing and highly profitable industry is the health and wellness sector. In this digital age you can easily establish a high grossing industry if you digitize the health sector. This prompt will provide such business ideas that will revolutionize the health and wellness of the people.

AI-powered personalised health assistant, Digital wellness marketplace, AI powered mental health support chatbots are the some innovative solutions provided to you by this  ChatGPT Prompt for Brainstorming Startup Ideas.

Variations: “Generate innovative startup ideas that transform how people approach health and wellness in this digital era.”

Additional details needed: You can specify your budget.


ChatGPT provides you with innovative and unique Startup Ideas. During this AI driven 21st century, starting a business has become almost hassle free because all the related information is available on our fingertips. We don’t have to surf the entire internet for hours to research, chatGPT solves all our queries and questions within seconds.

You just need to sign in/sign up to the chatGPT account and you are good to go. GPT 3.5 is available for free and you just need to type a ChatGPT Prompts for Brainstorming Startup Ideas in the chatbot, which is according to your budget, preference, materials available and what’s best for the market.

FAQs – ChatGPT Prompts for Startup Ideas

1. How do I ask ChatGPT for startup ideas?

Just type one the above prompts in the chatbot or you can clearly mention you budget, your preference, or what’s in the trend, etc.

2. How startups can use ChatGPT?

ChatGPT reduces the work of startups by helping them generate an idea and name for their startup, give answers to frequently asked questions, analyse the trends of the market.

3. Can ChatGPT write a business plan for you?

Yes, ChatGPT is capable of writing a well structured and detailed business plan for you.

4. What are the most useful ChatGPT prompts for startups?

Some useful chatGPT prompts are:

“Highlight three rapidly growing subsectors related to (industry) that have high potential” or “Give a list of innovative and creative startup ideas that take advantage of growing technologies like AI or virtual reality.”