IET Lucknow Departmental Fest Experience (Tantransh)

Fests often serve as breaks from the busy academic life at college. They also form a major factor when choosing an appropriate college for oneself. Extra-curricular activities are equally important as academics. College life is not just about pursuing a degree but is about exploring and pushing oneself in various domains. Fests serve as the perfect opportunity and platform to explore oneself.

At IET Lucknow, departmental fests are a highlight as they are organized quite frequently. It is where a particular department carries out the complete organization and execution process of a fest open to all departments. These fests involve all kinds of events – technical, cultural and sports and no restrictions on participation. Recently, I witnessed the departmental fest of the Computer Science department, called ‘Tantransh’. As a student of the same department, I got the opportunity to volunteer in the organization of the fest. The preparations were no less fun than the actual fest.

Day 1

It was a two-day fest. The first day began with the inaugural ceremony of the fest followed by a few open stage performances and various activities. Simultaneously, tech events were lined up on the first day. They included ‘Game of Codes’ – a coding contest, ‘Terror in Error’ – a debugging contest, ‘Tech Buzz’ – a technical quiz, ‘Webify’ – a web designing event, and many more. Each event was executed to perfection with no flaws and lots of knowledge, fun and experiences to deliver. In the evening, a treasure hunt event was organized in which everyone ran around the college like ants searching for clues. Having witnessed the first day, the excitement for the next day could not get any better.

Day 2

The highlight of the second day was the open stage where several students participated to showcase their talents on the stage. The open stage was wrapped up by performances of all college clubs including the college band, dance group and drama club. Sports events had already been wrapped up in the past three days. The open stage was followed by prize distribution for winners of sports events. The auditorium had been glowing throughout the evening and cheering would never stop. To wrap up the fest, DJ night was organized, which was not at all justifying the end as everyone was dancing their hearts out as if the fest had just begun. Despite the hot weather, sweating faces and congested DJ floor, no one was ready to stop dancing until it was 8 and faculty-led students to their hostels.


The fest not only provided me with a nice break but also gave me hundreds of memories to take away. I got to spend quality time with my friends as well as seniors. Participating and being stunned by the amazing talents in the college were also awesome parts of my experience. These were surely the two days I’ll look back upon and cherish forever.