Indeed Interview Experience Data Scientist Role Mid – Entry Level

Things turned out in such a way that, I have to apply for the role of “Data Scientistat Indeed in Indeed!

Round 1: Online Assessment

I will explain about this round in pointers because you need to focus greatly on each and every single point as it changes from person to person. Yes! You heard it right.

  • Total questions for me25
  • Aptitude Questions10
    (Difficulty – Varies from person to person, the one loving Quant Reasoning will find it easy, VICE – VERSA. But overall experience for me – MEDIUM RANGE)
  • Logical Reasoning Questions5
    (Yes, it is different from Aptitude although some might say that aptitude comes under it or the other way round. Difficulty – HARD! Especially the probability questions on it were a bit tough)
  • Basic Statistics Questions10
    (Difficulty – Varies, that person with a “love” for handling complex (whatever!!) calculations will find it easy. My experience – MEDIUM somehow, yes I managed to get a way out)

I CLEARED THIS ROUND (Somehow managed to get a way out of those mind boggling logical reasoning questions)

Round 2: Technical Round

So from here on my understanding of Data Science changed completely. I am in a lobby in front of 2 interviewers, one from Japan and another from London. I explained this round also in several pointers below. Please try going through them “carefully!”

  • Question from Skills
    Firstly, they focused so much on my award and what and how exactly I created the very prestigious “HARVARD WORLD RECORD” as the “FIRST INDIAN” in the domain of AI! They also asked some general questions on my mentioned skills and their corresponding proficiencies of mine in them, also along with the years and place of experience where I have used those or learnt those.
  • Deep Understanding of Python
    They also asked some basic questions on what all I know “about the development environment for Python3 – how it was designed and what about its various architectural differences compared to other development kits” – LIKE SERIOUSLY!! Whatever! I clearly mentioned that I have not yet been through those architectural differences but I do explain to her about the architecture of Py3 which I had seen once unknowingly, or in better suited word – unwantedly (Remember, sometimes those unwanted trash can save you from hell!)
  • Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence
    Here I felt like I own this world. I gave her a speech of 2 minutes and tried to explain to her what AI is in a very different perspective in a very brief manner. Then we have had a good conversation on its current impact in various industries (NOTE: Many interviewers may have a good interest in FINTECH, so be prepared to face some out of the box questions as well)

This was the second round which was a bit shorter than expected but was very deep in terms of knowledge acknowledging conversation. It was “indeed” a good one!!

Round 3: Past Background Oriented Round

Well, this was a quite interesting round. This round was full of questions, literally so many in number! Actually I don’t have the exact word to describe this round, so adjusted with this “interesting“, could be better summed up as “topsy-turvy“, maybe or maybe not…..

  • Project Based Questions
    They asked me like 10 questions back to back on various concepts of Generative AI, RAGs, LLMs, NLP, CV, and even some questions on the difference between various ML models I have decided to use in my detection (prediction) models.
  • Background of Technicalities
    After the project based questions, they started asking me questions based on how those ML, DL models originated and how they have evolved with various versions. In this also, they have asked around 8-10 questions, every question demanding a straightforward answer but in case you are struck somewhere, “you will feel helpless (WAKE UP from now onwards)

This was a round of “mixed feelings” which I cleared because of the clear communication I made. If I don’t know an answer, I have to communicate clearly that I don’t know about that but I do assure about some common stuffs related to that so that the interviewer should have an idea that I know something at least, as they quotes “SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING” but not always!!!

Round 4: Proficiency Testing Round

Here they show me an email template, where certain jobs are listed and sent to a user in the form of job recommendations specifically tailored for him or her. Based on that, they asked a lot of questions which I explained in the following pointers –

  • Backend Design Concept
    They started by simply asking me to consider them laymen and help them understand how I will design such a recommendation system, how I will start, what I will do in how many phases, everything. You also have to have a grip on how project management is done so as to answer this question along with complete technical sound on Recommendation Systems design.
  • Model Selection Reasons
    Now they will try to confuse you by cross questioning your selection of a model by asking to do competitive benchmarking of the model you had chosen and the model they are proposing, “in front of them, at that spot!
  • Statistical Modelling
    Here comes the main part, where they will ask questions like “Why is idf needed when we are calculating tf-idf, and how is the calculation of tf-idf dependent on the calculation of idf only? ” So, now you can have an idea of how deeply they are testing you! They asked 10 such questions!!! They even asked me some questions on the background and importance of Jaccard Coefficient!

I was a bit nervous early on but as the time progressed to the completion of the statistical modelling based questions, I felt confident because I had not given a chance to the interviewer to think of this fact that “I LACK HERE OR I LACK THERE“. I tried maintaining a positive aura throughout the round.

Round 5: Techno-HR Round

This is the final round where the interviewer asks several non technical questions regarding various situations first before proceeding forward to discuss about yourself and your salary expectations.

  • How and why do you consider yourself UNIQUE?
    Clearly convey about how you differentiate yourself from others and while doing that, try not to bring in the negative or in better words try not to drag non positive aspects of yours please! Define your strengths with examples if possible.
  • Situation and Behavioral Analysis
    They will give you some situations, some scenarios where you have to come out with a solution like how you will approach, and what are the steps in pointers, that I will follow in order to incorporate the decisions.
  • Salary Expectations & Reason
    It is the last and the very important, rather, the most important step for someone who is in his or her early stage of the career. Always keep your mind open and by mistake also, don’t speak any such thing which will blow away your hours of tough struggle and work in just seconds literally! Explain your reasons as openly as you can, the interviewer wants honesty and your words should give justice to their expectations.


“Don’t use AI secretly to answer the questions asked in an interview related to Data Scientist. Who knows, the person interviewing you, has managed to train the same AI model that you are using to answer his or her questions! Grow up brother/sister!!! You can’t fool a Data Scientist. The weapon you are trying to use against them is made by them. They know exactly how that weapon works!”