Round 4: Proficiency Testing Round

Here they show me an email template, where certain jobs are listed and sent to a user in the form of job recommendations specifically tailored for him or her. Based on that, they asked a lot of questions which I explained in the following pointers –

  • Backend Design Concept
    They started by simply asking me to consider them laymen and help them understand how I will design such a recommendation system, how I will start, what I will do in how many phases, everything. You also have to have a grip on how project management is done so as to answer this question along with complete technical sound on Recommendation Systems design.
  • Model Selection Reasons
    Now they will try to confuse you by cross questioning your selection of a model by asking to do competitive benchmarking of the model you had chosen and the model they are proposing, “in front of them, at that spot!
  • Statistical Modelling
    Here comes the main part, where they will ask questions like “Why is idf needed when we are calculating tf-idf, and how is the calculation of tf-idf dependent on the calculation of idf only? ” So, now you can have an idea of how deeply they are testing you! They asked 10 such questions!!! They even asked me some questions on the background and importance of Jaccard Coefficient!

I was a bit nervous early on but as the time progressed to the completion of the statistical modelling based questions, I felt confident because I had not given a chance to the interviewer to think of this fact that “I LACK HERE OR I LACK THERE“. I tried maintaining a positive aura throughout the round.

Indeed Interview Experience Data Scientist Role Mid – Entry Level

Things turned out in such a way that, I have to apply for the role of “Data Scientistat Indeed in Indeed!

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