IndiaMart Interview Experience for Associate Software Engineer Intern+FTE (On-Campus)

First Round: First round was resume selection. I had some projects and my competitive programming profiles in my Resume. The competitive coding profile will be a plus point for resume selection.

Second Round: After resume selection, Given a date for the technical test. In this technical test, there was 3 coding question (You can solve them in any language). About the level of Questions:

  • First Question was a little bit tricky type(don’t remember).
  • Second Question was an Easy-Medium type question like the 3rd or 4th question of CodeChef short contest for div 2. 
  • Third Question is based on Graph(Prim’s Algo), and the level of the question is Medium type.

    I solved all questions and got selected for the next round(technical Round).

Third Round (Technical Round): This was 3rd round of interviews, taken by a software engineer and held on Google Meet. First of all, he introduced himself and asked about me. He asked me 2 coding questions one was based on a string and another was on the linked list(only method), he was able to understand so didn’t go for the code. Asked some questions based on Core(OS, DBMS) and most from DBMS.

Final Round (HR Round): I received a call from HR the next day, asking about myself, about my projects, and giving some situations and ask how will you handle this. Finally, he said that you are selected for this opportunity and shared the stipend and offer letter.