Infosys Infytq Interview Experience for System Engineer

As Interviews are going on now for the System Engineer role at Infosys(Infytq), I am sharing my Interview experience which was held on 19th July 2022. But before that, I will give a gist of prior rounds.

Upon clearing the Infosys certification exam through the Infytq platform you will be offered PPO for System Engineer Role at Infosys and an Infosys certified software programmer certificate which can add value to your resume. While registering for the exam you must select one among the two languages (Java/Python) for the programming round which can’t be changed later. 

Certification Round: Held on 

Date: Sunday, 6 Feb 2022
Time: 10:00 AM
Duration: 3 hours


  • 10 MCQ’s on the programming language(Java/Python)
  • 10 MCQ’s on DBMS
  • 2 hands-on coding questions(Java/Python)

Note: You will be given two coding questions and you have to solve them with the language chosen during registration (In my case it’s Java). I have solved both the questions with all test cases passed.

  • Duration – 3hrs
  • Coding questions were based on String and Array Manipulation. 
  • Difficulty Level – Easy to Medium

Criteria and next Steps

Upon clearing this round with a minimum of 65% you will be eligible to take both advantages round and Interview for the system engineer role.

Result: Cleared Certification Round and eligible for Advantage Round (Got mail on 24th Feb 2022 )

Advantage Round:  

  • Date: Sunday, 6 March 2022
  • Time: 10:00 AM
  • Duration: 3 hours

Pattern: 3 hands-on coding questions(Java/Python)


  • You will be given three coding questions and you have to solve them with any language from multiple options (I have chosen Java). Solved 2 questions with only a y fetus cases passed.
  • Coding questions were based on Recursion, Backtracking, and Dynamic Programming.
  • Difficulty Level – Medium to Hard

Criteria and next Steps

Based on your performance in this coding round, you will be offered an Interview opportunity for any one of the below-mentioned roles,

  • Specialist Programmer
  • Digital Specialist Engineer
  • Systems Engineer

Result: Received a PPI opportunity for System Engineer Role at Infosys.

Interview Round (System Engineer Role):

  • Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2022
  • Time: 10:00 AM
  • Duration: 19 minutes

Questions: As usual interview starts with “Give me a Quick intro of yourself” After that the interviewer directly jumps into hands-on, 

  • Asked me to share my screen and code for the Fibonacci series with any language of my interest. I have chosen java and started coding, I finished the program quickly and explained to him the logic.
  • Then he gave me a puzzle ba number series and asked me to solve it  [ 1  4  9  18  35  ]
  • What are DDL and DML 
  • Name the OSI Layers
  • What is Call by value and Call by reference, I told him that I am good at java rather than C so he skipped this question and asked me to Explain what is Polymorphism (With a programming example and not with a real-life example) and what is constructor in java
  • Name the Normal Forms in DBMS
  • Explain 3NF in detail
  • Do you know about NoSql? If so, what it is?
  • What is API?
  • Explain left outer join 

I answered most of the above questions except in no 2 and 8. Then he said I’m done with my questions and asked me if there are any questions left for him. I asked him about my performance and what areas I should improve. Then with a sweet thankyou interview ends.

Resources I Used: Purely Beginner For Beginner

Criteria and Next Steps: Based on your performance in the Interview you will get a PPO for System Engineer Role and a certificate that can add value to your resume (Infosys Certified Software Programmer)

Result: Gave my interview 2 days before writing this article so I’m waiting for the results and will update you as soon as I got the same.