Infosys infytq Interview Experience for System Engineer 2022

I applied through infytq 2022 and got the opportunity to get an interview for the system engineer role. There was a single interviewer present, she asked both technical and HR questions.

  • 1. Tell me about yourself
  • 2. What are the programming languages that you are familiar with?
  • 3. Write a program to check if the given number is prime or not? (she asked me to share the screen and write the code).
  • 4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • 5. Why should we hire you?

And lastly, she asked me “Do you have any questions?”, I asked about the work-life balance in Infosys.

That’s it.

And wishes me all the best with a smile. I am waiting for the result and will update you soon.