Infosys InfyTQ Interview Experience for System Engineer FTE 2023

Hi guys, hope you all are doing well. So let’s start from the start.

I applied for the InfyTQ Certification round in December where we are given a chance to choose a slot of our choice. There were 4 slots available and so I chose the second last slot on Feb 8, 2022 Evening. Also, you got to choose a language you are comfortable with between Java and Python. I chose Java which had started studying just a week ago. 

Exam Day: Tuesday, Feb 8, 2022, at  4:00 PM. 

Note: You must make sure you have a stable internet connection.

Round 1: The difficulty of MCQ Questions was moderate.

  • Some important topics you must be comfortable with are OOPs, super & this keyword, Core Java, and in DBMS foreign key, Joins are most important to answer the questions.
  • Coding Questions were not so hard basic String manipulation and Array Manipulation Questions. Both coding Questions were easy and hold 60% weightage, so if you’re doing it well you’ll surely clear it as you just need an overall of 65%.

For preparation, you can refer to the InfyTQ portal itself and you’ll surely make it. For coding questions just have your basics sorted out. Result arrived in a month or so and then was our Advantage round scheduled which I missed due to some issues.

Interview Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2022, at 1:00 PM.

I received my Interview mail a day ago on July 18th at 4:30 PM. It was to be held over Microsoft Teams.

Interview: The interview went for around 20 to 22 mins and the level of questions was quite easy if you’re good with your basics.

Questions were as follows:

  • Give a brief intro of yourself.
  • Algorithm to insert a node in the middle of a linked list.
  • Difference between Delete and Truncate query in SQL.
  • How will you find the second maximum element in a table?
  • How will you select a particular named person from a table?
  • How do you handle exceptions?
  • What is Machine Learning?
  • Some examples where you see Machine Learning in action.
  • What is Cyber Security?
  • What would you prefer between sticking to the same company for a long period or switching for career enhancement?
  • About techs used in the project mentioned in the resume.
  • What changes or improvements you will have to do for implementing the project in the real world?

So these were all questions asked of me and were not so hard to be answered. It went pretty well. I would suggest to prepared for anything from basics of OOPs, your chosen language, SQL, basic tech-related questions, and SDLC.

Result: Yet to be Declared. [It usually takes time].

GOOD LUCK, Folks…!