Introduction to Auto-CAD software

AUTO-CAD is used to refer CAD which is any type of computer aided design/drafting. Basically AUTO-CAD is the name of the software which is develop by the company named Autodesk. The auto in Auto-CAD doesn’t mean anything but is just a reference to company’s name. As, it is ca software for computer sided design so it is used in construction or designing of cars/ boats/ airplanes/ small-buildings and in the design of tools and machinery. 

All CAD systems uses basic geometric entities to construct design. The construction used in technical design are based upon 2-dimensional planar geometry. The method and number of operations are required to accomplish the instructions are different from one system to another. In order to become an expert in Auto-CAD, we must learn to create geometric entities quickly and accurately. 

Auto-CAD provides various several different mechanisms or a tool with the help of which different drawings can be made easily and can be viewed properly. That is why, designers or architect engineers mostly used it. It gives the facility with which we can enter the commands through the command-prompt or selecting them from pull-down menu or from the tool-bar. Most commands are either execute immediately after it has been involved or prompt from further information. 

Features of Auto-CAD :

  1. Multiple window environment – Auto-CAD provides the facility of drawing and having each window in different drawing pad. The user can create top-view, idea-view and can save it in different windows. This option is available in layout menu.
  2. Three dimensional view – Auto-CAD has an option for viewing any object in its three dimensional form. It has several 3D tools to perform this function. Two of these are as follows:
    1. 3D surface: This option can be used to create 3D cones, cylinders, polygons etc on a normal view.
    2. 3D orbit: By using this option, we can change and relate the object in any view.
  3. GUI features – Auto-CAD supports graphical user interface features as it is loaded under windows operating system. Some of its features are:
    1. Interaction with peripheral devices: Several peripheral devices like printer, plotter, mouse etc can be used. There is no provision for page setting during plotting line, also several commands like isometric view, different structures designing can be performed using mouse.
    2. Auto-CAD 2000 supports 24 bit true colors.
    3. Intelligent mouse functions.
  4. DB connect manager – This is an advance feature of Auto-CAD 2000 where we can connect drawings with database. Auto-CAD can connect with SQL or with any access database during the designing of any type of structure. During DB connect manager; a new window is opened for connecting the database.
  5. AUTOSLIP editor – AUTOSLIP editor is basically a programming language embedded in AUTO-CAD. It lets the user automate tasks and add custom commands to AUTO-CAD. This is useful to connect a C program to AUTO-CAD.
  6. Object properties manager – Like usual basic AUTO-CAD 2000 is also designed with the object oriented features. Every drawing element whether it is circle, ray, line. rectangle or any type of shape has its own properties. The properties box show the color, x and y co-ordinates, width, height, length and several other properties.
  7. Command-specific shortcut menus – AUTO-CAD provides the facility of drawing objects by entering different commands through the command line.
  8. Colors – We can set different background colors for different windows. We can make objects of different colors. We can change/slash the different settings of whatever is viewed on the screen e.g., screen menu, scroll bars, layout-tabs, size of fonts etc. It supports 24 bit true colors.
  9. Zoom – We can use zoom command to any part of any structure to have a close look of particular part of interest.
  10. Layers – To make the complimented drawings in an easier manner, we can divide the structure of drawing in different layers. In layers, the changes are made only on current layers. To make changes on others we have to select the layer first.