Ion Group Interview Experience for Technical Analyst (On-Campus) 2023

ION Group came to our college to hire freshers of the 2022-23 batch for the role of Technical analyst. There were a total of 6 rounds of online tests and interviews.

Round 1: Online Test

  • The first round was an online test that consisted of basic aptitude questions and a few questions related to DBMS, COA, etc.
  • This round was an easy one, the key was time management (90 questions in 120 mins).

Round 2: Technical Interview

  • This round was 90 minutes of one-on-one experience with the interviewer.
  • He first introduced himself and then asked me to introduce myself, making the environment very comfortable to continue with.
  • He asked about my projects and internships, what role I played in both of them, what outcome I got, and how it helped for self-development.
  • Then he asked me 3 riddles, he told me to take time and think out loud so that he could know how am I reaching the solutions. I was able to answer 2 of them correctly, we had a proper discussion over the answers.
  • You can go through a few of the puzzles here for practice.
  • Post this he gave me a scenario of physical library and asked me to create a rough DBMS for the same.
  • After this he asked a few SQL queries based on the DBMS that I suggested.

Round 3 : Case Study round

  • This round happened on the same day just after 40mis of the previous one.
  • One of the manager took this round and it went for around 30 mins.
  • He gave a real life business situation, and asked me to do a SWOT analysis for the prompt.
  • It was a proper discussion over the analysis that I suggested.

Round 4: Stakeholder’s round

  • The results of round 3 were announced after 2 days and the selected candidates were called to office for an in-person interview.
  • This rounds was mainly technical, and it went for around 40 mins.
  • The interviewer asked about my internships in detail, what I was doing, he cross questioned my algorithms and learning from the internship, he went through the resume completely starting from CGPA to co-curriculum activities.

Round 5: Culture-fit round

  • The results of round 4 were announced and this round took place on the same day in-office only.
  • The interviewer was the Director of ION Group India himself, it was an informal session kind of discussion, we were in a batch of 5 candidates and he talked to each one of us.
  • We were told about the company and our role in the company. We were asked a few basic questions about ourselves so that we could know each other well.

Round 6: Future-fit round

  • I got the results of round 5 after a week, and was again called to office for the last round of interview.
  • This was an interview with one of the company’s CTO, he was from EU and it was video-call interview.
  • This round went for 15 mins, and he asked about my understanding of the role, and why should I join this role.

One of the common question to me in almost every round was, coming from a coding background, why do I want a non-coding job. so if you’re such a candidate you should have a proper answer.

The results of round 6 were declared after almost 40 days, there was a delay due to some internal work. Usually it takes about a week.

Total 5 students were selected from whole VIT and 3 from VIT-Chennai, I was one of them.