Round 5: Culture-fit round

  • The results of round 4 were announced and this round took place on the same day in-office only.
  • The interviewer was the Director of ION Group India himself, it was an informal session kind of discussion, we were in a batch of 5 candidates and he talked to each one of us.
  • We were told about the company and our role in the company. We were asked a few basic questions about ourselves so that we could know each other well.

Ion Group Interview Experience for Technical Analyst (On-Campus) 2023

ION Group came to our college to hire freshers of the 2022-23 batch for the role of Technical analyst. There were a total of 6 rounds of online tests and interviews.

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Round 1: Online Test

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Round 2: Technical Interview

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Round 4: Stakeholder’s round

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Round 5: Culture-fit round

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Round 6: Future-fit round

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