JavaScript Program to Convert Date to String

In this article, we will see how to convert a JavaScript Date to a string using JavaScript. We have a few methods to convert JavaScript Date to string which are described below.

Methods to Convert Date to String in JavaScript

Table of Content

  • Using the Date.toString() method
  • Using String Constructor
  • Using the Date.toDateString() method
  • Using Date.toLocaleString() method
  • Using Date.toGMTString() method
  • Using Date.toISOString() method

Method 1: Using the Date.toString() method

JavaScript date.toString() method is used to convert the given Date object’s contents into a string.

Example: In this example, we will convert the date object to a string using the Date.toString() method.

// New date using date Constructor
let d =  new Date()

// Convert to string
let dateString = d.toString();

// Print output

Wed Sep 20 2023 08:42:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Method 2:Using String Constructor

The String constructor property in JavaScript is used to return the string constructor function for the object.

Example: In this example, we will convert the date object to a string using the String constructor.

// New date using date Constructor
let d =  new Date()

// Convert to string
let dateString = String(d);

// Print output

Wed Sep 20 2023 08:42:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Method 3: Using the Date.toDateString() method

The date.toDateString() method converts the given date object’s contents of the date portion into a string.

Example: In this example, we will convert the date portion of the object to a date string using the Date.toDateString() method.

// New date using date Constructor
let d =  new Date()

// Convert to string
let dateString = d.toDateString();

// Print output

Wed Sep 20 2023

Method 4: Using Date.toLocaleString() method

The date.toLocaleString() method is used to convert a date and time to a string using the locale settings. The default settings for GMT.

Example: In this example, we will convert the date object to a string of locale format using the Date.toLocaleString() method.

// New date using date Constructor
let d = new Date()

// Convert to string
let dateString = d.toLocaleString(undefined, 
        { timeZone: 'Asia/Kolkata' });

// Print output

9/20/2023, 2:12:52 PM

Method 5: Using Date.toGMTString() method

The date.toGMTString() method is used to convert the given date object’s contents into a string according to the Greenwich Mean Time GMT.

Example: In this example, we will convert the date object to a string using the Date.toGMTString() method.

// New date using date Constructor
let d =  new Date()

// Convert to string
let dateString = d.toGMTString();

// Print output

Wed, 20 Sep 2023 08:42:52 GMT

Method 6: Using Date.toISOString() method

The toISOString() method in JavaScript converts a Date object to a string in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ). This format is widely accepted and used for representing dates and times.

Example: We will convert a Date object to a string using the toISOString() method.

// New date using date Constructor
let d = new Date();

// Convert to string
let dateString = d.toISOString();

// Print output
