JavaScript Program to Find Duplicate Elements in an Array
We are going to learn how can we Find Duplicate Elements in an Array. Finding duplicate elements in an array means identifying and listing any values that appear more than once within the array, helping to detect and manage redundant data or repeated elements within a collection of items....
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JavaScript Program to Print Triangle Star Pattern
This article will show you how to make a triangle star pattern using JavaScript. We’ll use a for loop to iterate through the number of rows, and in each iteration we will use a for loop for the n number of iterations, and in each loop we will print the “*” with the repeat method to increase or decrease the number of stars in each iteration. Additionally, we’ll create a whitespace string to add the necessary spaces before the stars to ensure proper alignment. Below are the star patterns we’ll cover:...
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JavaScript Programs
JavaScript Programs contains list of articles based on programming. This article contains wide collection of programming articles based on Numbers, Maths, Arrays, Strings, …, etc. that are mostly asked in interviews....
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How to Convert a Date String to Timestamp in JavaScript ?
In this article, we are going to learn about the conversion of Date strings to Timestamps by using JavaScript. Converting date strings to timestamps means translating human-readable date representations into numeric values, indicating the time’s position in milliseconds since January 1, 1970....
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JavaScript Program to Check if a String Contains only Alphabetic Characters
In this article, we are going to learn about checking if a string contains only alphabetic characters in JavaScript.Checking if a string contains only alphabetic characters means verifying that all characters within the string are letters of the alphabet (A-Z or a-z) and do not include any digits, symbols, or other non-alphabetic characters....
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JavaScript Program to Convert Float to String
Converting a float to a string in JavaScript becomes necessary when dealing with numerical values represented as strings. In this article, we will explore the process of converting floating-point numbers into strings in JavaScript....
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JavaScript Program to Reverse Digits of a Number
In this article, we are going to learn about Reverse Number Programs in JavaScript. A reverse number in JavaScript involves reversing the digits of a given number. It’s done by manipulating the digit’s order, resulting in the number’s reversed form....
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JavaScript program to find area of a circle
Learn how to calculate the area of a circle using JavaScript with this easy guide. We will show you a simple JavaScript program that does the math for you. Whether you’re new to coding or looking for a quick refresher, this article has got you covered....
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How to Add a key/value Pair to Map in JavaScript ?
This article will demonstrate how we can add a key-value pair in the JavaScript map. JavaScript Map is a collection of key-value pairs in the same sequence they are inserted. These key values can be of primitive type or the JavaScript object....
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JavaScript Program to Validate Password using Regular Expressions
In this article, we will see the JavaScriopt program to check and validate a strong or weak password with a custom-defined range. To accomplish this task we will use JavaScript Regular Expression....
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How to Find the Index of Specific Character in a String in JavaScript ?
We will see how to find the index of a specific character in a string using JavaScript. A string is a sequence of characters, such as letters, numbers, or symbols, enclosed in single or double quotes. Here we are going to find the index of a specific character from our given string....
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JavaScript Program to Count the Number of Keys/Properties in an Object
An object consists of key-value pairs where each key is a unique identifier associated with a corresponding value....
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