JavaScript Program to Determine the Unicode Code Point at a Given Index

It is important to know what the Unicode code points are before moving on to the JavaScript implementation. A Unicode code point is a distinct integer value that represents each character in a string. A programmer may easily manipulate strings using JavaScript’s techniques for working with these code points.

Table of Content

  • Using the codePointAt() Method
  • Using the charCodeAt() Method
  • Using the fromCodePoint() Method

Using the codePointAt() Method

JavaScript provides the codePointAt() method for strings, which returns the Unicode code point of the character at a specified index. The index refers to the position of the character in the string, starting from 0.



Example: The below code implements the codePointAt() method to get the Unicode point at a given index.


let str = "Hello, World!";
let result1 = str.codePointAt(0);
let result2 = str.codePointAt(7);
    "Unicode point of character at index 0 in",
    str, "is:", result1);
    "Unicode point of character at index 7 in",
    str, "is:", result2);


Unicode point of character at index 0 in Hello, World! is: 72
Unicode point of character at index 7 in Hello, World! is: 87

Using the charCodeAt() Method

The charCodeAt() method returns the code unit at a given index, while codePointAt() clearly gets the single-character Unicode code point. Remember that JavaScript strings employ UTF-16 encoding, and that certain characters that are not part of the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) call for two code units, or surrogate pairs, which are represented by separate charCodeAt() values.

Example: The below code uses the charCodeAt() method to determine unicode point at a given index.


const str = "?w3wiki";
const codePoint1 = str.codePointAt(0);
const codeUnit1 = str.charCodeAt(0);
const codeUnit2 = str.charCodeAt(3);



Using the fromCodePoint() Method

The codePointAt() method is reversed by this technique. This function generates a string with the matching characters from an integer, or an array of integers, that represent Unicode code points.

Example: The below code implements the fromCodePoint() method to get unicode point t a given index.


const codePoint = 128512;
const emojiString =



Practical Applications

Determining Unicode code points empowers various tasks:

  • Character Analysis: Analyze language distribution by counting code points within specific ranges.
  • Text Encoding: Convert text between different encodings like UTF-8 and UTF-16 based on code point values.
  • Font Development: Ensure fonts correctly display characters by mapping code points to glyphs.
  • Emojis and Special Characters: Work with emojis and special characters effectively by using their code points.