JavaScript Program to Find Smallest Number that is Divisible by First n Numbers

Given a number, our task is to find the smallest number that is evenly divisible by the first n numbers without giving any remainder in JavaScript.


Input: 10
Output: 2520
2520 is smallest number which is completely divisible by numbers from 1 to 10.

Below are the following approaches for finding the Smallest number that is divisible by the first n numbers:

Table of Content

  • Brute Force Approach
  • Using LCM (Lowest Common Multiple)

Brute Force Approach

To Find the smallest number divisible by the first n numbers using Brute Force Approach first initialize num with n. Use a while loop to find the smallest divisible number. In the loop, set divisible to true, and iterate from 1 to n, checking if num is divisible by i. If not, set divisible to false and break. If divisible remains true, return num. Otherwise, increment num and continue.

Example: Demonstration of Finding the Smallest number divisible by the first n numbers using the Brute Force Approach.

function smallDivi(n) {
    let num = n;
    while (true) {
        let divisible = true;
        for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            if (num % i !== 0) {
                divisible = false;
        if (divisible) {
            return num;


Time Complexity: O(num * n)

Space Complexity: O(1)

Using LCM (Lowest Common Multiple)

In this approach, first implement gcd to find the greatest common divisor using Euclid’s algorithm. Implement lcm to calculate the least common multiple as a * b / gcd(a, b). Initialize the answer to 1 and iterate from 2 to n, updating the answer with the least common multiple of the answer and i. After the loop, the answer holds the smallest number divisible by the first n numbers. Return answer.

Example: Demonstration of Finding the the Smallest number that is divisible by first n numbers using LCM (Lowest Common Multiple).

function smallestDivisibleLCM(n) {
    function calculateGCD(a, b) {
        return b === 0 ? a : calculateGCD(b, a % b);

    function calculateLCM(a, b) {
        return (a * b) / calculateGCD(a, b);

    // Initialize the result to 1
    let answer = 1;

    // Iterate through numbers from 2 to n to calculate LCM 
    for (let i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
        answer = calculateLCM(answer, i);

    return answer;



Time Complexity: O(n * log(n)).

Space Complexity: O(1).