JEE Mains Exam Experience

I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science from Jaipur Engineering College and Research Center. The dream of every science stream student is to clear the JEE exam, but everything has its price and precious ones have a lot. So, let me share my roller-coaster journey of clearing this vicious exam. I clearly remember when I got into high school, I was not at all visionary about my career, I was an average guy who just managed to pass the exams. Then one day I thought what I am doing with my life, will I be always like this being an AVERAGE person? That day, that moment ignited a spark within me.

Now I have that motivation, but every other thing was against me, I was struggling with school assignments and projects, and my girlfriend’s father had gotten a promotion, so they had to shift to other states, but the most crucial element was Time, and that moment time was against me. JEE exam was only 3 months away from knocking on my door, and I was blank, I was rushing and scrambling my trembling fingers on my laptop to search for video lectures. I found a sea of those videos, like a thirsty man I pranced over every other video but at the end of the week, I understood that with this strategy I wouldn’t be able to grab anything useful. Now after all this I went to my teacher to attain some wisdom, I completely explained my situation and he with nowhere he started laughing very loudly, I was uncertain, but after a while he told me that it was not only my problem, but every other student. He suggested I stay calm and relaxed, he added that I should make a new and improved strategy with a suitable time management chart to boost my capabilities and potential. I followed his instructions and I felt better and more confident.

That Big day had arrived, and I was loaded with all the weapons and barrels of confidence. When the question paper appeared on my screen, a complete blackout was there In front of my eyes, I was blank and stubbed. I just closed my eyes and could feel the pin-drop silence of the room. I started chanting Lord RAM’s name in my mind and believe me it helped me a lot. Those 3 hours passed like a sniff of time; at the end of the hour, I felt the most satisfying breath of my life.

After a month, the most awaited day had arrived, yes, the result one. The link was live, my sweaty fingers were trembling, and I could not even remember my date of birth. Finally, when I submitted my details, my life was paused for a moment, a slide show of all those sleepless nights, that passionate hard work and sacrifices were revolving around my eyes. When the blurry vision got scattered away from my eyes, I could see the most beautiful thing. My RESULT says congratulations, I didn’t even read the whole sentence and tears started rolling out of my eyes.