JEE Mains Examination Experience

The Prelude

This was the very first entrance that I had given in my lifetime. I had prepared through CBSE 10th to 12th books by diving deeper into every topic. As I stepped into the examination centre, a mix of nervousness and determination flooded my senses.

The Atmosphere

The hall buzzed with anticipation as students filled in, each carrying their hopes and dreams. They seemed confident about the topics which they had prepared. This in some aspects degrades an individual’s hope and in some way enhances confidence by making sure they will be competing with lakhs of candidates.


Finding my designated seat, I settled down with my admit card and a handful of pens, mentally preparing myself for the challenge ahead.

Into the Fray

The clock ticked away, and soon the papers were distributed. Flipping through the pages, the questions stared back at me, demanding yet inviting. The examination mostly focuses on three subjects, Physics, Chemistry and Maths. The question requires a detailed analysis and is of MCQ type. I started with Chemistry cause I was somewhat confident in the same, followed by Maths and Physics. The questions usually comprise medium-level difficulty with some advanced concepts. Because of negative markings, one should mark only those questions that they believe to be true rather than a wild guess.

Racing Against Time

Time seemed to warp as I delved into each problem, my mind racing to recall every concept and formula I had painstakingly studied over the years.

The Review

Hours passed like minutes, and before I knew it, the invigilator announced the end of the examination. With a mix of relief and apprehension, I reviewed my answers, second-guessing myself at every turn.

The Wait

As the days turned into weeks, the wait for the results felt interminable. Every passing moment was filled with anticipation and anxiety.

The Announcement

Finally, the news arrived. I had cleared the JEE mains, my hard work and dedication paying off in the most gratifying way possible.

A Triumph Earned

Walking out of the examination centre, I was filled with a sense of triumph. Regardless of the challenges that lay ahead, I knew that I had overcome one of the biggest hurdles in my academic journey.