JP Morgan Chase & Co. Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2022

JPMorgan Chase & Co. conducts its on-campus hiring through Code for Good hackathon. The entire hiring process is divided into 3 steps:

  • Online Coding Test (March 2022)
  • HireVue Interview (March 2022)
  • Code for Good Hackathon (June 2022)

Round 1: The online coding test was conducted on the HackerRank platform. It had 2 programming questions, each of 50 points.

  • Question 1: An array is given. Pick 2 numbers from the array, add their sum at the end, and continue the process until the array is reduced to a single element. The cost of doing this operation equals the sum of two elements inserted back into the array. Perform the operation to achieve minimum cost.
  • Question 2: Daily problems of two coders are given and their initial difference is also given. Find the minimum number of days for coder A to solve more problems than coder B and return -1 if it is not possible.

Round 2: The HireVue interview had 2 questions and the total duration was about 10 minutes.

  • Question 1: Explain a project which provided you with a great learning experience and has a real-time application.
  • Question 2: Where do you see yourself in your professional career?

Round 3: JPMC sent a form to all the shortlisted candidates to fill their tech stacks (Backend, frontend, ML, etc), and accordingly, they made a random team of 7-8 people for the hackathon. The team is accompanied by 2 mentors who judge you on the basis of communication, collaboration, and technical skills. The Code for Good Hackathon had several problem statements provided by NGOs. 7-8 students are grouped into a team and 2 days are given to decide the tech stack and know the strengths of the team. The mentors also take 1 on 1 interview during the hackathon. My team worked on the development of a MERN stack-based web application and we were the runners-up in the hackathon. The 1 on 1 interview is the key factor for the selection in the firm.

  • Mentor 1: This interview lasted for about 30 minutes. He asked me questions about the database as I was working on MongoDB at that time. We had a discussion on SQL vs MongoDB, a few SQL queries, Middleware in Node JS, REST API, Schema generation in Node JS + MongoDB, and so on.
  • Mentor 2: This interview lasted for about 20 minutes. He asked me to show what I contributed to the application along with one of my resume projects. Then he asked me a few typical HR questions

After 45 days, I got the mail for being selected for 6 monthly Internships and Full-Time Employment from JPMC.

Suggestions: Communication and collaboration skills are as important as Technical skills. The selection for FTE doesn’t depend upon the result of the hackathon. Your teamwork and communication are equally important for selection. Work as a team and productively present yourself.