KPIT Interview Experience for Associate Engineer (On-Campus)

1) Pre-Placement Talk:

KPIT conducted in an actual mode they depicted entire things that they are currently working with technologies. They have explained about their company tie-up organizations, they are really inspiring. They displayed their work culture and environment where we will be sent after the selection process. They cleared the doubts about future processes and steps to get into KPIT. They confirmed with us whether all have been registered with superset to take up the recruitment process. However some of us were unable to do that before the end date they simply applied on our college placement site, so they are not allowed to take part in the KPIT placement.

2) Online assessment:

On the same day of the pre-placement talk, they conducted an online assessment We received an email regarding the assessment with login credentials for the AON platform.

The test consists of 30 MCQ questions to solve for 30 minutes. The questions were mostly based on Embedded systems, Microprocessors, Communication theory, Control systems, sensors and actuators, VLSI designs, circuit theory, power electronics, and integrated circuits.

The second section consists of logical thinking-based questions like grid challenge, switch challenge, motion challenge, digit challenge, and some data interpretation questions.

3) Technical interview:

The HR is so friendly, my first question is,

*Tell about yourself and project experiences.

*Project related questions.

*Next the questions were related to core engineering subjects for me the HR tend to ask about, BJT, Zener diode, MOSFET(advantage and use)

*The next Faraday’s law, color configuration and calculation of Resistor, Circuit explanation, use of relay, two way switches, motor related circuits, PWM and efficiency formula.

*And in the terminal interface of superset the interviewer asked to solve the program for Palindrome of number.

*Then the interview was over he used to asked about any doubts regarding you and then the call was disconnected by HR.

*The interview was around 50 mins nearly.

4) HR round:

*The interviewer asked me introduce yourself about your personality skills.

*He asked me to share your hobbies minimum two.

*Long term and Short term goals

*Where would you like to see yourself after five years.

*Why KPIT and what was your game changing role.

*Your biggest achievement and small level achievement.

*What is your greatest fear.

*How would you take your feedback whether in a positive or negative.

*Then the interview was over with any doubt for you regarding KPIT.

That’s it this is my overall interview experience about KPIT.