KPIT Interview Experience for Software Engineer (On-Campus) 2023

Round 1: Online Assessment

The first round was an online assessment divided into four sections.

  1. The first section consisted of MCQ questions on Networking, DMBS, DSA, and Operating Systems. It also consisted of code snippets. The duration for the first section was 30 minutes.
  2. The second section was on English communication. A topic was given and a paragraph needs to be written in about 255 words approximately. The duration for this section was 30 minutes.
  3.  The third section was a coding round. It consisted of 2 coding questions of array and string respectively. The duration of the coding round was 40 minutes.
  • The array question was about ice cream distribution among children. There are some children in your area and you want to distribute the ice cream. Each child can get almost one ice cream. Each child has a number that denotes the minimum amount of cream to get the child satisfied. Print the maximum number of children who can get the ice cream.
  • The string question was to print the strings of length four such that the frequency of each letter in that string is 1.

4. The fourth section was a gamified round. It consisted of three different parts.

  • The first part had a game in which we need to get the red ball into the black hole in minimum steps.
  • The second part consisted of a game in which there were some shapes that need to be filled in every row and column. The shape should not be repeated in the row and column.
  • The third-party consisted of some graphs and pie charts on the basis of which we need to say the answer is Yes, No, and Cannot Say.

All these three parts were of 10 minutes each approximately.


Read the instructions carefully and understand the game thoroughly before starting the game. Take on the trial, don’t skip it, so that you don’t waste the time in understanding the game while the timer is running.

The overall duration for the first round was 2 hours approximately.

I cleared the first round and received the mail for the next round.

Round 2: Technical Round

The technical interview was held online on a superset platform. I was asked basic questions about OOPS, C, and Data Structures.

The questions were:

  1. Introduction.
  2. A project that I mentioned in my introduction.
  3. Difference between Structural Programming and Object-Oriented Programming.
  4. What is abstraction?
  5. What is polymorphism?
  6. Compile time and runtime polymorphism.
  7. Write a program for printing the Fibonacci series.
  8. What is dynamic data structure? Give an example.


Give answers confidently and try to explain the questions with proper examples. For coding questions, take 2 minutes and first try out the code on paper and then go on explaining your approach and then write the code.

I cleared the technical interview and received the mail for the next round on the same day.

Round 3: HR Round

The HR interview was also held online on a superset platform.

The questions were:

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Tell me about any event or activity in your college that you were part of.
  3. What were the difficulties or shortcomings that you faced in that event and how did you tackle them?
  4. Give me an example that shows that you are dedicated to your work.
  5. What do you know about KPIT?
  6. Why are you keen on joining KPIT?
  7. Are you okay with working in shifts and relocation?


Answer every question with an example of a real-life situation you were in. Go through the company website once before interview.

Overall, be confident and that’s all.

Hope you find it helpful.

Thank You!