Kubernetes Ingress Controllers: Routing And Load Balancing For Services

In the dynamic landscape of containerized applications, efficiently orchestrating and managing services is critical. As an effective platform for container orchestration, Kubernetes offers a stable foundation for launching, growing, and overseeing containerized applications. The Ingress controller is a crucial part of Kubernetes that helps with efficient service administration.

We’ll examine the nuances of Kubernetes Ingress controllers in this extensive post, including how they function in service load balancing and routing. To assist you in understanding the principles and implementation specifics, we’ll go over the essentials, explore their functioning mechanisms, and offer practical examples.

Understanding Kubernetes Ingress Controllers

What is an Ingress Controller?

In the Kubernetes ecosystem, an Ingress is an API object that provides HTTP and HTTPS routing to services based on rules defined by the user. It acts as a way to expose services to the external world and enables traffic management for different applications within a Kubernetes cluster.

An Ingress Controller, on the other hand, is a component that implements the rules specified in the Ingress resource. It acts as a traffic manager, handling incoming requests, and directing them to the appropriate services within the cluster. In essence, the Ingress Controller is responsible for managing the external access and load balancing of services.

Key Components of Ingress Controllers

  1. Ingress Resource: This is a Kubernetes API object that defines how external HTTP/S traffic should be processed, including rules for routing to different services.
  2. Ingress Controller: The actual implementation of the Ingress resource. It can be implemented using various technologies like Nginx, Traefik, or HAProxy, each offering unique features and capabilities.
  3. Load Balancer: Often, cloud providers offer load balancing services that work in tandem with Ingress Controllers to distribute incoming traffic across multiple pods of a service.
  4. Rules and Paths: In the Ingress resource, rules and paths are defined to specify how different requests should be directed to different services. This includes setting up routing based on paths, domains, or header values.

How Ingress Controllers Work

Request Flow in Kubernetes Ingress

Understanding the flow of an incoming request through the Ingress system is crucial for grasping the role of Ingress Controllers. Here’s a simplified overview:

  1. Ingress Resource Creation: A user defines an Ingress resource, specifying rules for routing traffic to different services.
  2. Ingress Controller Watches for Changes: The Ingress Controller continuously monitors the Kubernetes API for changes in Ingress resources.
  3. Configuration Update: When a new Ingress resource is created or an existing one is modified, the Ingress Controller updates its configuration accordingly.
  4. Load Balancer Configuration (if applicable): In a cloud environment, the Ingress Controller may interact with the cloud provider’s load balancer service to update the routing rules.
  5. Routing to Services: Incoming requests are directed to the appropriate service based on the rules defined in the Ingress resource.

Example: Nginx Ingress Controller

Let’s explore a practical example using the Nginx Ingress Controller, one of the popular implementations.


Ensure you have kubectl configured to connect to your cluster.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/main/deploy/static/provider/cloud/deploy.yaml

This command deploys the Nginx Ingress Controller to your cluster.

Creating an Ingress Resource

Now, let’s create a simple Ingress resource to route traffic to a specific service.

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: example-ingress
    - host: example.com
        - path: /app
          pathType: Prefix
              name: app-service
                number: 80

In this example, any request to `example.com/app` will be directed to the `app-service` on port 80.

Apply this configuration to your cluster:

kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

Expected/Similar Ouput: ingress.networking.k8s.io/example-ingress created

Testing the Ingress

You can now test the Ingress by sending a request to the specified host and path. Ensure you have the necessary DNS configurations or modify your local hosts file to map `example.com` to the cluster’s IP address.

curl http://example.com/app

If your output looks like this then, the Ingress configuration is working, and you successfully received a response from the `app-service`. The HTML content you see is a placeholder from the “Example Domain” and is indicative that the request was correctly routed to the specified service.

This confirms that the Ingress Controller is functioning as expected, and the path-based routing, as defined in the Ingress resource, is directing traffic to the appropriate backend service.

Advanced Features of Ingress Controllers

SSL/TLS Termination

Ingress Controllers often provide the ability to terminate SSL/TLS encryption at the controller level, offloading the decryption process from individual services. This is achieved by specifying TLS settings in the Ingress resource.

  - hosts:
      - example.com
    secretName: example-tls-secret

Path-based Routing and Rewrites

Ingress Controllers support path-based routing, allowing you to direct requests to different services based on the specified paths. Additionally, URL rewrites can be configured to modify the requested path before forwarding it to the backend service.

  - path: /v1
    pathType: Prefix
        name: v1-service
          number: 80


In conclusion, Kubernetes Ingress Controllers play a vital role in managing external access and load balancing for services within a Kubernetes cluster. Understanding their fundamentals, components, and working mechanisms is essential for efficiently managing and routing traffic to various services.

In this guide, we’ve covered the basics of Ingress Controllers, their key components, and provided a hands-on example using the Nginx Ingress Controller. Additionally, we explored advanced features such as SSL/TLS termination, path-based routing, and host-based routing to give you a comprehensive understanding of their capabilities.

As you continue to explore Kubernetes and container orchestration, mastering Ingress Controllers will empower you to design scalable and efficient architectures for your applications. Experiment with different Ingress Controllers, explore their unique features, and tailor your configurations to meet the specific requirements of your containerized workloads.

ubernetes Ingress Controllers – FAQ’s

How do I check if the Ingress Controller is running in my Kubernetes cluster?

A. Use the `kubectl get pods` command to list all pods in the specified namespace. Look for the pod running the Ingress Controller (e.g., Nginx Ingress Controller).

kubectl get pods -n <namespace>

What is the difference between an Ingress and an Ingress Controller?

A. An Ingress is a Kubernetes API object that defines how external HTTP/S traffic should be processed, while an Ingress Controller is the actual implementation of the Ingress resource. It manages external access, routing, and load balancing based on the rules defined in the Ingress.

How can I troubleshoot issues with my Ingress configuration?

A. Use `kubectl describe ingress` to get detailed information about the Ingress resource, including any errors or misconfigurations. Check for events and conditions that might help identify and resolve issues.

kubectl describe ingress <ingress-name>

Can I use wildcard domains with Ingress for routing?

A. Yes, Ingress resources support wildcard domains. You can define rules with wildcards in the host field, such as `*.example.com`, to route traffic to different services based on subdomains.