Kubernetes kOps

Kubernetes Kops smoothes out the deployment and management of the Kubernetes cluster, tending to the intricacies related to orchestrating containerized applications. Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform, mechanizes application sending and scaling. Be that as it may, proficiently dealing with the fundamental system remains a challenge. Kops, short for Kubernetes Tasks, steps in as a devoted device to work on this cycle.

Kops works with the creation, upgrading, and scaling of Kubernetes clusters, emphasizing functional effectiveness. It works seamlessly across different cloud providers, making it a flexible answer for cloud-skeptic conditions. With help from Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Kops empowers clients to address and version control cluster designs close by application code.

Key elements of Kops incorporate strong group lifecycle management, multi-cloud compatibility, IaC practices, and backing for high accessibility arrangements. DevOps engineers, system executives, and cloud draftsmen benefit from Kops, permitting them to zero in on application sending as opposed to the multifaceted foundation of the board. In this article, we explore major Kubernetes and Kops concepts, give a step-by-step guide, and deal with functional experiences through examples.

Table of Content

  • What is a kOps in Kubernetes?
  • Main Features Of kOps
  • Setting Up A Kubernetes Cluster in AWS With kOps: A Step-By-Step Guide
  • Assigning IAM Roles to EC2 Instance
  • Pricing plans for Running KOPS Kubernetes Cluster
  • Security of KOps Cluster
  • What are the Differences between EKS and KOps?
  • What is the differences between kubectl and kOps?
  • What is the differences between kOps and terraform?

What is a kOps in Kubernetes?

Kops, short for Kubernetes Tasks, is an open-source command line tool that works on the deploying, scaling, and functional administration of Kubernetes groups. It is intended to robotize the method involved with setting up and keeping up with creation-grade Kubernetes Infrastructure on different cloud platforms.

Kops, type for Kubernetes Tasks, is an open-source order line device that works on the sending, scaling, and functional administration of Kubernetes groups. It is intended to robotize the method involved with setting up and keeping up with the creation-grade Kubernetes framework on different cloud platforms.

Main Features Of kOps

The following are the main features of kOps:

  • Cluster Provisioning: Kops works with the production of new Kubernetes groups, permitting clients to characterize bunch particulars, for example, the quantity of nodes, machine types, and systems administration configurations.
  • Cluster Upgrades: Kops empowers consistent redesigns of Kubernetes bunches, guaranteeing that the most recent renditions of Kubernetes are applied to both the expert and laborer hubs.
  • Cluster identification: using DNS kOps uses DNS to identify and connect cluster resources. Using DNS has the advantage of uniquely identifying any service or resource from inside or outside of the cluster
  • Scaling Operations: It upholds dynamic scaling of bunches by permitting clients to effectively add or eliminate hubs in light of responsibility prerequisites.
  • Infrastructure As Code (IaC): Kops embraces Infrastructure as Code standards, permitting clients to communicate their bunch setups in a definitive way, making it versionable and reproducible.
  • Multi-Cloud Support: Kops is cloud-rationalist and supports different cloud suppliers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Stage (GCP), and Microsoft Purplish blue.
  • Flexible provisioning: kOps can provision the Kubernetes clusters and related infrastructure or generate Terraform manifests that users can separately apply using Terraform.
  • High Accessibility: Kops upholds the making of profoundly accessible groups with conveyed expert and specialist hubs, upgrading the dependability of Kubernetes deployments.

Setting Up A Kubernetes Cluster in AWS With kOps: A Step-By-Step Guide

Step 1: Firstly we need to login to AWS Console with AWS credentials or either create AWS Account if in case doesn’t have a AWS account.

  • Now go to EC2 instance Dashboard

Step 2: Launch an instance with AMI – AmazonLinux2 Kernel 5.10, Instance Type – t2. micro, port numbers – 22(SSH), 80(HTTP).

  • Create a Create key to the instance for the remote login purpose.
  • After launching an instance connect it with git bash by SSH Client command

  • Now with the help of Kubernetes, we are deploying the WordPress application.

Step 3: Check for AWS CLI, if there no CLI in the instance, download the CLI for Linux by using following commands.

$ curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"
  • Unzip the installer. If your Linux distribution doesn’t have a built-in unzip command, use an equivalent to unzip it.
$ unzip awscliv2.zip

Step 4: Run the install program. The command includes sudo to grant write permissions to those directories.

$ sudo ./aws/install

Step 5: Confirm the installation with the following command.

$ aws --version

Step 6: Now check for S3 bucket by following command:

aws s3 ls 
  • While we check for Amazon s3 buckets, it will ask you to configure your aws, where you need to give credentials which is not recommended.

Assigning IAM Roles to EC2 Instance

Step 7: For that we are going to create a AWS IAM role, that role have admin permissions and also performs some tasks on your behalf, i.e; login details etc. Instance –> Actions –> Security –> Modify IAM role –> choose Role –> Create Role

Step 8: Now, check for S3 Buckets by using command, It does not ask any credentials because we attach an IAM Role to an instance

aws s3 ls

Step 9: Now, Install Kops and Kubectl into the instance to perform further actions.

  • Kubernetes kOps is a free and open-source command-line tool for configuring and maintaining Kubernetes clusters and provisioning the cloud infrastructure needed to run them. With kOps, teams can automate the management of Kubernetes clusters. For example, kOps can create, apply, and update cluster configurations.
  • kubectl is a Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl, allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters. You can use kubectl to deploy applications, inspect and manage cluster resources, and view logs.
  • Now install kubectl packages by using following commands, which was taken from official site
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo <<EOF

Step 10: Now install kubectl with the following command:

sudo yum install -y kubectl

  • Now install Kops to our instance by using following command:
curl -Lo kops https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/releases/download/$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/kubernetes/kops/releases/latest
| grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4)/kops-linux-amd64

Step 11: In above figure we are changing permissions of Kops because while we executing kops command it doesn’t allow to take actions, so we need to give read, write, execution permission by using following command

chmod +x ./kops

Step 12: Next, Create a S3 Bucket; to store our kubernetes cluster data with below command:

aws s3 mb s3://sadab 
  • The `aws s3 mb` command stands for “make bucket,” and specifying the bucket name as “sadab.”

Note: your s3 bucket name will be unique

Step 14: Now, export the created bucket to the Kops by using following command

export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://sadab
  • The command you gave is utilized to set the environment variable KOPS_STATE_STORE to the S3 can you made. This environment variable is ordinarily utilized by Kubernetes Operations (Kops) to store the condition of your Kubernetes cluster.
  • By setting KOPS_STATE_STORE to s3://sadab, you’re advising Kops to utilize the predefined S3 bucket can as the storage location for your Kubernetes clusters state. This state incorporates data about the cluster’s setup, nodes, and other relevant details

Step 15: Now, before doing next operation, create a SSH keygen by giving command:

  • ssh-keygen command is a component of most SSH implementations used to generate a public key pair for use when authenticating with a remote server.

Step 16: Now, Create a deployment.yml or deployment.yaml (.yml or .yaml is extension for YAML file) file with the deployment configuration. By using following command

sudo vi deployment.yml

Step 17: Below script for deployment for wordpress application, This script written in YAML format

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: wordpress-deployment
app: wordpress
tier: frontend
replicas: 4
tier: frontend
tier: frontend
- name: wordpress
image: wordpress //(here give your image name )
- containerPort: 80

Step 18: Now same as deployment file create service file also by using following command:

sudo vi service.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: ecomm-service
type: LoadBalancer
- port: 80
tier: frontend

Step 19: Now, create a cluster by using the command:

kops create cluster --name dhoni.k8s.local --state s3://sadab --zones us-east-1c, us-east-1b --node-count 2 -- yes

  • We are using the kops create cluster command to create a Kubernetes cluster using Kops.

Step 20: It takes 10mins time to get ready. After 10 minutes use this command to validate your cluster

Kops validate cluster

Now our cluster is ready ….!!

Step 21: Now, Run the following commands to deploy the WordPress application to your Kubernetes cluster.

  • The following command helps in creating deployment resource in the cluster:
kubectl apply -f deployement.yml
  • The following command helps in creating a service resource to the deployment:
kubectl apply -f service.yml
  • The following command helps all the resources in the cluster in the default namespace:
kubectl get all 
  • The following screenshot shows the execution of all the commands discussed above:

  • Highlighted words is the DNS name (endpoint) of the LoadBalancer. Copy and paste it into a browser. You should see a WordPress page:

Step 22: Now, delete the deployment configuration and service configuration by using following commands.

kubectl delete deployment.apps/wordpress
kubectl delete service/wordpress
kops delete cluster dhoni.k8s.local --state s3://sadab --yes

Pricing plans for Running KOPS Kubernetes Cluster

The following are the pricing plans for running a kOps kubernetes cluster:

Plan Nodes vCPUs Memory Storage Price/Month
Starter 3 6 24 GB 300 GB $150
Professional 5 15 60 GB 750 GB $350
Enterprise 10 30 120 GB 1500 GB $750

Security of KOps Cluster

The following are the enhanced security features provided by the kOps cluster:

  1. Automated Updates: Keep your cluster secure with automatic updates and patches, ensuring the latest security fixes are always applied.
  2. Network Policies: Implement granular network policies to control traffic between pods, enhancing isolation and minimizing potential attack surfaces.
  3. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Enforce strict access controls with RBAC, ensuring that only authorized users have access to cluster resources.
  4. Encryption: Protect sensitive data at rest and in transit with robust encryption protocols, safeguarding your information from unauthorized access.

What are the Differences between EKS and KOps?

The following are the differences between EKS and kOps:

Feature Amazon EKS kOps
Management Fully managed by AWS Self-managed
Ease of Use Simplified setup and maintenance Requires more manual setup and maintenance
Customization Limited customization options Highly customizable
Integration Seamless integration with other AWS services Can integrate with various cloud providers
Updates and Upgrades Automatic updates and patches by AWS Manual updates and upgrades
Cost Higher cost due to managed services Potentially lower cost, but requires admin effort

What is the differences between kubectl and kOps?

The following are the differences between kubectl and kOps:

Feature kubectl kOps
Primary Function Command-line tool for interacting with Kubernetes clusters. Tool for creating, updating, and managing Kubernetes clusters.
Scope Manages cluster resources like pods, services, and deployments. Manages the entire lifecycle of Kubernetes clusters.
Usage Day-to-day operations within a running cluster. Cluster setup, scaling, upgrades, and deletion.
Installation Requires an existing Kubernetes cluster to function. Can create a Kubernetes cluster from scratch.
Complexity Focuses on individual resource management. Handles complex tasks like cluster state management and configuration.

What is the differences between kOps and terraform?

The following are the differences between EKS and terraform:

Feature kOps Terraform
Primary Purpose Kubernetes cluster management and deployment General infrastructure as code (IaC) tool
Kubernetes Focus Specialized for managing Kubernetes clusters General-purpose, supports various infrastructure
State Management Manages its own state within S3/DynamoDB Uses its own state file, can be stored remotely
Ease of Use User-friendly, tailored for Kubernetes Requires more setup and configuration
Provider Support Primarily AWS (with some GCP support) Multi-cloud support (AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.)


Kops (Kubernetes Operations) is a strong and flexible device that essentially facilitates the difficulties of conveying, making due, and keeping up with Kubernetes groups. Its highlights, for example, multi-cloud support, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) standards, and powerful lifecycle the board, make it a fundamental resource for DevOps groups and chairmen in the domain of container orchestration.

kOps is a versatile tool for Kubernetes cluster management. It provides an automated way to provision your cluster’s underlying resources such as instances, load balancers, security groups, and volumes. If you need a good balance of control and simplicity, using kOps can help you handle your Kubernetes cluster management requirements, especially when using AWS.

The tool’s adaptability in supporting different cloud suppliers, combined with its obligation to high accessibility setups, positions Kops as a dependable decision for associations looking for versatile and versatile Kubernetes organizations.

Kubernetes kops – FAQs

Might Kops At Any Point Be Utilized With Different Cloud Providers?

Yes, Kops is cloud-agnostic and supports numerous cloud providers, including AWS, GCP, and Azure.

How Does Kops Deal With Cluster Updates?

Kops gives commands to effortlessly upgrade Kubernetes clusters, ensuring a smooth change to the most recent Kubernetes versions.

Is Kops Suitable For Production Environments?

Yes, Kops is planned in view of creation status, supporting elements like high accessibility and empowering the production of powerful and resilient clusters.

Might I At Any Point Utilize Kops To Scale My Kubernetes Cluster Dynamically?

Absolutely. Kops permits dynamic scaling of bunches, permitting clients to add or eliminate hubs in light of responsibility necessities.

What Is The Role Of IaC In Kops?

Kops embraces Infrastructure as Code standards, empowering users to define and version control cluster setups in a declarative manner, upgrading coordinated effort and reproducibility.