Latency vs Jitter in Computer Networks

There are two vital concepts in the world of networking and telecommunications that are used frequently, latency and jitter. There are, on the other hand, two separate components of data transmission efficiency.


It refers to the time it takes for data to go from the origin to the destination. This delay encompasses various factors such as:

  • Processing Delays: The time required for data to be processed by network devices like routers and switches.
  • Queueing delays: Time spent in a queue waiting to be transmitted before reaching the link to the destination host.
  • Transmission delays: time it takes to push the packet’s bits into the wire.
  • Propagation delays: Time the signal takes to propagate through the medium. It would be a signal through an optic cable.

It refers to network’s responsiveness and perceived speed and it is measured in milliseconds. The lower the “latency time” in milliseconds the better it is for applications where the data transfer must be in real-time like online gaming, video conferencing, and VoIP.


Jitter is the measure of the variation in latency over time. Rather than being a measure of the total time delay, jitter expresses the inconsistency of this delay. It is essentially the measure of the variability in packet arrival times, which can be caused by

  • Network Congestion: High traffic volumes causing packets to take longer paths or experience delays.
  • Routing Changes: Dynamic changes in the path that data packets take across the network.
  • Variable Path Lengths: Differences in the physical distance data packets must travel.

Jitter, which is measured in milliseconds, affects the quality of real-time communication. If the jitter is high then it may cause packet loss, poor audio and video quality transmission, and data streaming interruptions.Thus, jitter is a significant objective to consider in the performance of networks serving real-time applications.

Key Differences





Time taken for data to travel from source to destination

Variation in latency over time


Typically measured in milliseconds (ms)

Also measured in milliseconds (ms)


Includes processing delay, queuing delay, transmission delay, propagation delay, etc.

Reflects inconsistency in latency due to network fluctuations


Affects overall speed and responsiveness of network connections

Impacts consistency and stability of data transmission


Generally a static value

Dynamic and can fluctuate over time


50 ms latency means it takes 50 ms for data to travel from source to destination

Jitter of 5 ms means latency varies by up to 5 ms over time


In summary, latency and jitter are essential metrics for assessing network performance. Understanding the distinction between them is crucial for diagnosing and troubleshooting network issues effectively. By monitoring and managing latency and jitter, network administrators can ensure optimal performance and reliability in communication systems.

Latency vs Jitter – FAQs

What effect does high latency have on online gaming?

High latency during online gaming results in a visible time gap between a player’s actions and the game’s response, making it a laggy, irritable experience. It has a considerable impact on the player’s ability to perform and enjoy the game.

How does VoIP Calls’ jitter impact its performance?

Jitter results in audible changes in the time intervals in which voice packets become accessible hence as a result this leads to terrible audio quality, cliaching voices or a tendency of being disconnected. A minimal jitter is essential for a better voice quality.

How can the network administrator measure latency and jitter?

The network administrator can measure latency and jitter using tools, or measures of various types. There are many types of measurement tools depending on measurement goals, such as short message or long connection. Most common examples include ping, tracerout, and special-purpose software, such as Wireshark, KingPlotter, network performance monitoring solutions from vendors such as Cisco, Solar Winds, and Paessler”.

Can the latency and Jitter be subtracted completely?

Latency and jitter cannot be fully be eliminated, as they are bound to the nature of network, but they can be fractional if network architecture is correctly planned and the network is well provisioned in terms of bandwidth. In the case of the latter, quality of service strategies may be employed to prioritize traffic critical for certain applications.