Difference Between Latency and Jitter in OS

In the area of networking and operating systems, various terms are used to explain different aspects of facts transmission and community overall performance. There are two crucial ideas in this area latency and jitter. Understanding the distinction between these phrases is essential for optimizing the community’s overall performance and making sure of smooth facts transmission.

What is Latency?

The literal meaning of latency is “delay”. In an operating system, latency is the time between when an interrupt occurs, and when the processor starts to run code to process the interrupt. It is considered as the combined delay between an input or command and therefore the desired output is measured in milliseconds.

Examples of Latency

1. Latency of Networks: The latency of a network is the time delay while reaching some data such as a “knowledge packet” from its source to the destination. It is usually measured in milliseconds. These types of latency tools measure the quantity of time a packet takes as it’s transmitted, processed, and then finally reaches its destination after being decoded by the receiving machine.

An allowable range of latency depends upon the network and the bandwidth of the applications used on it. These applications have a varied range of bandwidths. Among them, such as video calling applications, require more bandwidth and a lower range of latencies to function proficiently. Whereas, some other applications ( for example -Gmail) allow a higher latency range. These factors are taken under consideration by the Network Admins to allocate sufficient resources and bandwidth and guarantee critical operations of the organization run efficiently.

2. Latency of Disks: The time delay between any single input-output (I/O)  operation on a block device.  It looks very simple thing, but is very critical for the performance of the system. These latencies are determined by a few specific calculations such as rotational latency, seek time, and transfer time. These factors directly affect the RPMs(rotation per minute) of disks. 

Many other sorts of latency exist, like –

RAM latency
CPU latency
Audio latency
Video latency

Within the computing world, these delays are usually only a couple of milliseconds, but they will add up to make noticeable slowdowns in performance.

Reasons of Latency

The term “ping rate” usually refers to latency, which is expressed in milliseconds. In a perfect world, there would be no delay at all, but in the real world, we can make do with some degree of latency. Investigating the reason for these delays will enable us to react accordingly.

  • The separation between the source and the destination: One of the main sources of delay is the distance between the source and destination computers. For example, if you live in Los Angeles and ask a server in New York City for information, you should get it shortly.
  • Type of Data: The type of data sought is the opposite of the distance, if you will. Since text packets can move quickly in overcrowded networks, they are generally significantly faster than bandwidth-intensive material like films.
  • Devices for End Users: Older operating systems and browsers are slower due to their constrained CPU and memory. Therefore, the viewing experience may be affected if the end user’s equipment is obsolete and has a limit on the amount of data it can handle at once.

Methods to Reduce Latency

The fundamental root of the issue determines the solution. However, measuring the rate of transmission latency is the first step. To accomplish this, launch a Command Prompt window, then enter “tracert” and the destination.

  • Subnetting: The process of grouping endpoints that connect to each other regularly is called subnetting. By segmenting the network into smaller, more frequently communicating groups, you can reduce latency and bandwidth congestion. Your network will also be easier to maintain after this process, particularly if it is spread over several different places.
  • Shaping of Traffic: Traffic shaping, as the name suggests, is a technique for managing bandwidth distribution to ensure that your company’s mission-critical components have constant, uninterrupted network connectivity.
  • Load Balancing: Load balancing is another popular technique that spreads incoming network traffic among multiple backend servers to better manage the spike in activity. By acting as a traffic cop at the packet entry point and forwarding packets to servers that can handle them, load balancers can be compared to that. This is done to optimise utilisation, performance, and bandwidth allotment.
Latency and Jitter

What are Jitters?

Operating system jitter (or OS jitter) refers to the interference experienced by an application thanks to scheduling of background daemon processes and handling of asynchronous events like interrupts. It’s been seen that similar applications on mass numbers suffer substantial degradation in performance thanks to OS jitter.
Talking in terms of networking , we can say that packets transmitted continuously on the network will have differing delays, albeit they choose an equivalent route. This is often inherent during a packet-switched network for 2 key reasons. First, packets are routed individually. Second, network devices receive packets during a queue, so constant delay pacing can’t be guaranteed.
This delay inconsistency between each packet is understood as jitter. It is often a substantial issue for real-time communications, including IP telephony, video conferencing, and virtual desktop infrastructure. Jitter is often caused by many factors on the network, and each network has delay-time variation.

What Effects Does Jitter Have?

  • Packet Loss – When packets don’t arrive consistently, the receiving endpoint has got to be structured for it and plan to correct. In some cases, it cannot make the right corrections, and packets are lost. As far because the end-user experience cares , this will take many forms. For instance , if a user is watching a video and therefore the video becomes pixelated, this is often a sign of potential jitter.
  • Network Congestion – As the name suggests, these congestions occur on the network. Network devices are unable to send the equivalent amount of traffic they receive, so their packet buffer fills up and they start dropping packets. If there’s no disturbance on the network at an endpoint, every packet arrives. However, if the endpoint buffer becomes full, packets arrive later and later, leading to jitter. This is often referred to as incipient congestion. By monitoring the jitter, it’s possible to watch incipient congestion. Similarly, if incipient network congestion is happening , the jitter is rapidly changing.

Congestion occurs when network devices begin to drop packets and therefore, the endpoint doesn’t receive them. Endpoints may then request the missing packets be retransmitted, which ends up in congestion collapse.
With congestion, it’s important to notice that the receiving endpoint doesn’t directly cause it, and it doesn’t drop the packets.  

How Does One Should Catch up on Jitter?

In order to form up for jitter, a jitter buffer is employed at the receiving endpoint of the connection. The jitter buffer collects and stores incoming packets, in order that it’s going to determine when to send them in consistent intervals.

  • Static Jitter Buffer – These buffers are implemented within the hardware of the system and are mostly configured by the manufacturer. The size of static jitter buffers is fixed. Larger buffers contribute greater total delay even though they can reduce extremely fluctuating latency levels. Shorter buffers don’t significantly increase delay, but too much jitter could result in some packets being dropped. Sizing a static buffer according to the typical delay variance in the network is the best course of action.
  • Dynamic Jitter Buffer – These buffers are implemented within the software of the system which are configured by the network administrator and can easily suit network change. Jitter buffers that are dynamic adjust their size based on the state of the network. A dynamic buffer will adjust the size of its queue to suit its needs based on the jitter of the previous few packets.

Reasons of Jitter

  • Congestion: When a network receives too much data, congestion happens. This is particularly true when there is a limited amount of bandwidth available and numerous devices are trying to send and receive data through it simultaneously.
  • Hardware Problems: Older network hardware, including wifi, routers, and cables, can contribute to high jitter because they were not designed to manage large amounts of data.
  • Wireless Link Establishments: Poorly built wireless systems, weak signal routers, and being too far away from the wireless router can all contribute to jitter.
  • Insufficient Packet Prioritising: Priority can be applied to some applications, such as Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) , to guarantee that network congestion does not affect such packets.

How to Reduce Jitter?

  • Improve Your Internet Experience : Making improvements to your internet connection is one of the easiest ways to deal with network jitter. Generally speaking, you should confirm that your upload and download speeds are adequate to support VoIP calls with great quality.
  • Jitter buffers : One efficient way to get rid of jitters is to use a jitter buffer. Many VoIP companies now employ this strategy to avoid dropped calls and audio delays.
  • Testing Bandwidth : One helpful method to identify the source of the jitter is to perform a bandwidth test, which involves sending files over a network to the destination and timing how long it takes the computer there to download the files.

Difference Between Latency and Jitter



Latency is the time between when an interrupt occurs, and when the processor starts to run code to process the interrupt

Jitter refers to the interference experienced by an application thanks to scheduling of background daemon processes and handling of asynchronous events like interrupts.

High latency leads to gradual network performance and delays in facts transmission.

High jitter can disrupt the smooth delivery of information, causing buffering and degraded fine of carrier.

Represents the general time put off.

Captures the variability or fluctuation in time delays.

Time postpone in transmitting records packets from source to vacation spot.

Variation in latency over the years, measuring the inconsistency in packet arrival instances.

Static degree, providing a image of the delay

Dynamic measure, indicating modifications in postpone over the years.


The two most important parameters for tracking and evaluating network performance are jitter and latency. The time elapsed between a packet’s transmission from the sender and its reception at the recipient is known as latency. However, the difference in the forwarding delays of two successive packets received in the same streams is known as jitter.

Frequently Asked Question on Latency and Jitter – FAQs

How is latency measured?

Typically, latency is expressed in milliseconds (ms). In essence, a lower millisecond count indicates lower latency, more efficient network operation, and an improved user experience total.

What are the impacts of high latency?

Decreased data transfer speed or throughput might be a result of higher latency. For services and apps that rely heavily on data, this decline is particularly concerning.

How can latency be minimized?

Purchase top-notch networking hardware, such as switches, routers, and network interfaces, to reduce the processing delays that these components cause.

What tools are available for monitoring and managing latency and jitter in networks?

There are multiple tools available for monitoring and managing latency and jitter SNMP , NetFlow , Wireshark.