Advertisement Personalization

Never let any app or website personalize the advertisements for you. Otherwise, the vicious circle of you talking about a product or service and then seeing their ads throughout the apps and websites will begin and it will become spooky later on. Secure your Android phone using these steps.

So, to avoid or opt out of the situation and secure your Android phone by turning it off, all you need to do is follow the steps.

Step 1. Open Settings > Google > Ads.

Step 2. Tap your Google Account.

Step 3. Go to Data and Privacy > Ad Settings > Ad Personalization.

Step 4. After this, you can check on the data for personalized ads and you can opt out of it.

10 Android Settings You Need To Turn Off Now

Imagine if every detail of your daily life, from where you go to what you eat, even your personal preferences, is constantly monitored. What if even your most private moments are not so private after all? It’s a chilling thought, isn’t it? But guess what? Your phone is the culprit, the silent observer that knows it all—your passwords, favorite foods, friends, and even your clothing size. It’s like having a little spy tagging along, gathering every snippet of information because you’ve allowed it to. To reclaim your privacy, disable these settings on Android.

10 Android Settings You Need To Turn Off Now

There’s a chance that all your activities and data could be compromised, putting your personal information and even your money in danger. Your data is at risk of being compromised and leaked. But you can take control! By turning off these android settings, you can significantly reduce the amount of data your phone tracks and shares:

10 Android Settings You Need To Turn Off Now

  • 1. Location Access
  • 2. Contact Access
  • 3. Advertisement Personalization
  • 4. Nearby Device Scanning
  • 5. Restrict Background Data Usage
  • 6. Limit Access to Mic, Camera, and Other Sensors
  • 7. Uninstall Useless Apps
  • 8. Instant Apps
  • 9. Usage and Diagnostic Information 
  • 10. Hide Lock Screen Notification

In this article, we will see 10 Android settings that can compromise your information security. So change these Android settings now!

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10 Android Settings You Need to Turn Off Right Now!

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3. Advertisement Personalization

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7. Uninstall Useless Apps

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8. Instant Apps

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9. Usage and Diagnostic Information

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10. Hide Lock Screen Notification

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In summary, keeping your Android phone safe means making some changes. By turning off these 10 android settings, you make privacy a priority and strengthen security. Your phone might accidentally share personal info, but turning off these settings helps you stay in control. It’s a simple way to protect your data and keep your Android device safe....

10 Android Settings You Need To Turn Off Now – FAQs

How do I turn off settings on Android?...