
On October 4, Ani-One premiered the first episode of the Bullbuster franchise. The anime follows the story of a young engineer named Tetsuro Okino, who invented a robot named Bullbuster. Tetsuro is transferred to a company named Hato Industries that terminates harmful animals. Once transferred, he finds out that the company and its president, Koji Tajima, are fighting a mysterious entity called “Kyoju.”

But the company is struggling with their finances and has to balance their goal of stopping Kyoju with getting enough finance to support them. The anime is based on a concept book released at the Comic Market and Comitia Event. The story centres around the idea of an economically legitimate robot story. The anime has four episodes out, and fans are enjoying it for free on the Ani-One YouTube channel.

Best Anime to Watch on Ani-One Asia for Free November 2023

While anime is available on every streaming service, they’re not accessible to everyone, and subscriptions to streaming services such as Netflix, Disney Plus, Hotstar, Crunchyroll, Hulu, and HBO Max. These OTT Apps are way too expensive, so everyone can’t buy them. This is why Ani-One Asia is quite popular in Asian countries, especially among youth.

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Best Anime to watch on Ani-One Asia for Free in December 2023

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1. A Girl and Her Guard Dog

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2. Firefighter Daigo: Rescuer in Orange

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3. The Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch

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4. Overtake!

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5. Bullbuster

On October 4, Ani-One premiered the first episode of the Bullbuster franchise. The anime follows the story of a young engineer named Tetsuro Okino, who invented a robot named Bullbuster. Tetsuro is transferred to a company named Hato Industries that terminates harmful animals. Once transferred, he finds out that the company and its president, Koji Tajima, are fighting a mysterious entity called “Kyoju.”...


Ani-One is an accessible way to watch anime for anyone without a subscription. It is a legal and safe way to watch anime and lets you enjoy your favourite show without any interruption or releasing a virus on your computer, mobile device, or tablet. Ani-One Asia’s YouTube channel has a vast variety of content to satisfy your taste. They release new content every summer, fall, and winter. They are one of the two places where you can watch anime for free, legally....


Is Ani-One Asia legal? Yes, Ani-One Asia and Muse Asia are the only two that provide anime for free, legally. This is because both platforms buy the rights to the anime they stream on their YouTube channel. But Muse Asia’s channels were terminated from Youtube for unknown reasons, so currently Ani-One Asia is the only platform on Youtube to stream anime for free....