Capacity Estimation for Twitter System Design

To estimate the system’s capacity, we need to analyze the expected daily click rate.

3.1 Traffic Estimation:

Let us assume we have 1 billion total users with 200 million daily active users (DAU), and on average each user tweets 5 times a day. This give us 1 billion tweets per day.

200 million * 5 tweets = 1 billion/day

Tweets can also contains media such as images, or videos. We can assume that 10 percent of tweets are media files shared by users, which gives us additional 100 million files we would need to store.

10 percent * 1 billion = 100 million/day

For our System Request per Second (RPS) will be:

1 billion requests per day translate into 12K requests per second.

1 billion / (24 hrs * 3600 seconds) = 12K requests/second

3.2 Storage Estimation:

Lets assume each message on average is 100 bytes, we will require about 100 GB of database storage every day.

1 billion * 100 bytes = 100 GB/day

10 percent of our daily messages (100 million) are media files per our requirements. Let’s assume each file is 50KB on average, we will require 5 TB of storage everyday.

100 million * 50 KB = 5TB/day

For 10 years require 19 PB of storage.

(5TB + 0.1 TB ) * 365 days * 10 years = 19 PB

3.3 Bandwidth Estimation

As our system is handling 5.1 TB of ingress everyday, we will require a minimum bandwidth of around 60 MB per second.

5.1 TB / (24 hrs * 3600 seconds) = 60 MB/second

Designing Twitter – A System Design Interview Question

Designing Twitter (or Facebook feed or Facebook search..) is a quite common question that interviewers ask candidates. A lot of candidates get afraid of this round more than the coding round because they don’t get an idea of what topics and tradeoffs they should cover within this limited timeframe.

Important Topics for Designing Twitter

  • How Would You Design Twitter?
  • Requirements for Twitter System Design
  • Capacity Estimation for Twitter System Design
  • Use Case Design for Twitter System Design
  • Low Level Design for Twitter System Design
  • High Level Design for Twitter System Design
  • Data Model Design for Twitter System Design
  • API Design for Twitter System Design
  • Microservices Used for Twitter System Design
  • Scalability for Twitter System Design

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11. Conclusion

Twitter handles thousands of tweets per second so you can’t have just one big system or table to handle all the data so it should be handled through a distributed approach. Twitter uses the strategy of scatter and gather where it set up multiple servers or data centers that allow indexing. When Twitter gets a query (let’s say #geeksforgeeks) it sends the query to all the servers or data centers and it queries every Early Bird shard. All the early bird that matches with the query return the result. The results are returned, sorted, merged, and reranked. The ranking is done based on the number of retweets, replies, and the popularity of the tweets....