Components Details in Facebook System Design

Facebook design consists of several key components that work together to create a seamless and engaging user experience. These components include the layout, color scheme, typography, icons, and imagery.

A load balancer is like a traffic cop that directs incoming visitors to different servers to make sure they are evenly distributed and not overwhelmed. It’s like having multiple cash registers open at a store to prevent long lines and delays. Some popular load balancing technologies include Nginx, HAProxy, and AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB).

An API gateway is like a front door that provides a single entry point for client applications to access backend services and APIs.

  • It handles important tasks like routing requests to the right place, authenticating users, and limiting the number of requests per second.
  • Think of it as a receptionist who directs visitors to the right offices and makes sure they follow the rules. Popular API gateway technologies include Kong, Amazon API Gateway, and Apigee.

A CDN is like having storage units spread out in different neighborhoods, so you can quickly access your belongings without traveling far.

  • It caches and delivers content, such as images and videos, from servers located closer to users’ geographical locations.
  • This reduces the time it takes to load content and improves the overall experience. Popular CDN technologies include Cloudflare, Akamai, and Amazon CloudFront.

Database sharding is like dividing a large puzzle into smaller pieces and having multiple people work on different sections simultaneously.

  • It horizontally partitions data across multiple database instances or shards to distribute the workload and improve scalability.
  • This allows for faster data retrieval and processing. Popular technologies for database sharding include built-in features in MySQL and PostgreSQL, as well as Vitess.

Data replication is like making copies of important documents and storing them in different locations to ensure you always have a backup.

  • It copies data across multiple servers or data centers to ensure redundancy and high availability. This means that even if one server fails, the data is still accessible from another location.
  • Popular technologies for data replication include MySQL Replication, PostgreSQL Streaming Replication, and Apache Cassandra.

Caching solutions are like having a cheat sheet or a quick reference guide that you can consult instead of going through a long process every time.

  • They store frequently accessed data in memory to speed up data retrieval and reduce the load on the database.
  • This improves overall performance and user experience. Popular caching technologies include Redis and Memcached.

A messaging queue is like a postal service that allows different components of a system to communicate with each other asynchronously. It enables scalability and loose coupling by decoupling the sender and receiver of messages.

  • It’s like leaving a note for someone and knowing that they will get it when they have time.
  • Popular messaging queue technologies include Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ.

8. Monitoring and Logging

Monitoring and logging are like having surveillance cameras and a journal to keep track of what’s happening in your house. They track system performance, detect anomalies, and provide insights into application behavior.

  • This helps with troubleshooting and optimizing the system.
  • Popular monitoring and logging technologies include Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), and AWS CloudWatch.

Security components are like security guards and alarm systems that protect your home from different security threats. They implement measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and web application firewalls (WAF) to prevent unauthorized access and attacks. Popular security technologies include AWS WAF, ModSecurity, and Snort.

HTML/CSS, JavaScript, React.js, React Native.

11. Backend Technologies

Node.js, Express.js, Python/Django.

12. Databases

MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra.

Design Facebook | System Design

Designing a system as complex and globally impactful as Facebook requires careful consideration of various factors, including scalability, reliability, and performance. This article explores the key components and architectural decisions involved in designing Facebook, focusing on its core functionalities and the challenges of supporting billions of users worldwide.

Important Topics for Facebook System Design

  • Requirements Gathering for Facebook System Design
  • Capacity Estimation for Facebook System Design
  • HLD (High-Level Design) for Facebook System Design
  • LLD (Low-Level Design) for Facebook System Design
  • Database Design for Facebook System Design
  • Scalability for Facebook System Design
  • APIs Used for Facebook System Design
  • Components Details in Facebook System Design

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8. Components Details in Facebook System Design

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