Database Design for Content Delivery Network(CDN)

9.1 Content Table

This table stores information about the content served by the CDN, including its type, location, and size.

Content_id: Unique identifier for each piece of content.
Content_name: Descriptive name or title of the content.
Content_type: Indicates the type of content (e.g., image, video, script).
Content_url: URL or path to the content on the CDN.
Content_size: Size of the content file.
Last_updated: Timestamp indicating when the content was last updated.

9.2 Edge Server Table

This table represents the edge servers in the CDN, including their location, capacity, current load, and operational status.

Server_id: Unique identifier for each edge server.
Server_location: Geographical location of the edge server.
Server_capacity: Capacity or resources of the server (CPU, RAM, storage).
Current_load: Current load or usage on the server.
Status: Operational status of the server (active, standby, offline).

9.3 User Request Table

This table logs user requests, recording details such as user ID, requested content, the edge server used, and response time.

Request_id: Unique identifier for each user request.
User_id: ID of the user making the request.
Content_id: ID of the requested content.
Request_timestamp: Timestamp indicating when the request was made.
Edge_server_used: ID of the edge server that fulfilled the request.
Response_time: Time taken to fulfill the request.

9.4 Traffic Log Table

This table stores logs related to CDN activities, providing insights into different types of requests and events.

Log_id: Unique identifier for each log entry.
Timestamp: Timestamp indicating when the log entry was created.
Request_type: Type of request (content retrieval, cache purge, etc.).
Details: Additional details about the request or event.

9.5 Cache Table

This table manages the caching information, including content ID, edge server ID, expiration details, and cache status.

Cache_id: Unique identifier for each cache entry.
Content_id: ID of the content being cached.
Edge_server_id: ID of the edge server where the content is cached.
Expiration_timestamp: Timestamp indicating when the cached content expires.
Cache_status: Status of the cache (valid, expired, purged).

Designing Content Delivery Network (CDN) | System Design

In the digital age, where online content material is king, the importance of delivering a seamless and rapid user experience can not be overstated. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) play a vital role in attaining this aim by distributing content material strategically throughout servers globally. This article will guide you through the process of designing a Content Delivery Network.

Important Topics for Designing a Content Delivery Network

  • What is a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?
  • Why use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?
  • How Content Delivery Network(CDN) work?
  • Requirements for Content Delivery Network(CDN):
  • Uses Case Diagram for Content Delivery Network(CDN)
  • Capacity Estimation for Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Low-Level Design (LLD) for Content Delivery Network(CDN)
  • High Level Design (HLD) for Content Delivery Network(CDN)
  • Database Design for Content Delivery Network(CDN)
  • API used for Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Microservices used for Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Scalability used for Content Delivery Network(CDN)
  • Conclusion

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