Django Extensions

Django extensions is a package having a collection of useful extensions for Django. It provides wide range of useful extensions to improve overall productivity.


  • Django 3.2 or later


  • Shell_plus provides an enhanced shell feature with preloaded files and variables.
  • Show_urls shows all URL patterns defined in the application.
  • Assists job scheduling but cron is still required.


Installing the extensions using pip:

pip install django-extensions

In the file add installed apps:

# Other installed apps

Top 10 Django Packages Every Developer Should Know

Python is one of the most popular languages for web development nowadays. It has various frameworks like Django, Flask, Hug, CherryPy, and Bottle that help developers write web applications in Python. Among all the frameworks Django is the most used framework to create websites in Python.

Django is an open-source and free-to-use full-stack web framework. It has several built-in libraries that support MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, and Oracle as databases. It is a secure, stable, and scalable framework that helps us to create useful applications that are secure, stable, and scalable just like the framework.

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The learning and development using Django does not end with these packages. As a developer, you need to understand the use case of each package and choose a package accordingly to fit your needs and ease of development. The above-mentioned packages provide services like storage management, error monitoring, API generation, permissions, authentication, and debugging. Apart from these, other packages provide other functionalities. You should know these packages and use them wherever needed to simplify the process workflow....

FAQs on Top Django Packages

1. What are the top Django Packages?...