
  • After attending the interview, remember to send thank-you notes to your interviewers. Demonstrate your gratitude for the chance and remind them of the emphasis you have on the job.
  • Not getting response within the expected time is normal, in this case, you might want to think about sending the recruiter or hiring manager an email regarding the status of your application.

Salesforce Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2023

It was an honor for me to be selected for an onsite interview at Salesforce, that was coordinated by the Career Development Center of Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Via several interviews that included a skill evaluation, cultural fit assessment and technical checkups, I got an opportunity to show how well I know my stuff, know what Salesforce is about and how well I would fit into their culture. Each stage was a chance to showcase the ability to work well in a group, quickly figure out the solution, and have a positive attitude towards engineering software. It proved not only my eligibility for the role but also left me motivated by Salesforce’s interest in skills advancement and the innovative ideas for mission-driven work culture, where I intend to become one of the team members.

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1. Preparation:

Be sure you fully understand the content of your CV and can talk about it fluently during the interview normalizing the experience, projects and skills. Research Salesforce, products, as well as the culture of the organization. Cater to the technologies your interviewees might use, your questions should also reflect the latest progress in the firm. One should solve coding problems, data structure problems, algorithm questions, and system design problems. Among the possible resources, LeetCode, HackerRank, and Cracking the Coding Interview are highly recommended ones....

2. On-campus Interview:

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6. Follow-up:

After attending the interview, remember to send thank-you notes to your interviewers. Demonstrate your gratitude for the chance and remind them of the emphasis you have on the job. Not getting response within the expected time is normal, in this case, you might want to think about sending the recruiter or hiring manager an email regarding the status of your application....