GraphQL Server that Integrates Existing Systems

In this method, our GraphQL server transforms into a central entity, orchestrating data retrieval and modification from various existing systems, APIs, or microservices.

  • This approach involves deploying a GraphQL server that serves as a gateway to existing systems, APIs, or microservices.
  • Resolver functions orchestrate data retrieval or modification from various backend systems, seamlessly integrating disparate sources.
  • Imagine a scenario where our application relies on external services for user authentication, fetching weather data, and accessing product inventory.
  • GraphQL serves as a unified interface, allowing clients to retrieve data from multiple sources through a single API endpoint.

GraphQL serves as a unified gateway, abstracting the intricacies of diverse existing systems, including microservices, legacy infrastructures, or third-party APIs, beneath a singular GraphQL interface


  • Consider a scenario where your application relies on multiple external services for user authentication, payment processing, and recommendation engines.
  • The GraphQL server acts as a gateway, consolidating data from these disparate sources into a cohesive API.


type Query {
  user: User
  payments: [Payment]
  recommendations: [Recommendation]
type User {
  id: ID
  name: String
  email: String
type Payment {
  id: ID
  amount: Float
  status: String
type Recommendation {
  id: ID
  book: Book

GraphQL Architecture

In the domain of modern web development, APIs serve as the backbone for data communication between clients and servers. Traditional RESTful APIs have long been the standard, but developers are increasingly turning to GraphQL for its flexibility, efficiency, and robust architecture.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the architecture of GraphQL, exploring three distinct deployment methods:

  1. GraphQL Server With Connected Database.
  2. GraphQL Server That Integrates Existing Systems.
  3. Hybrid Approach with Connected Database and Integration of Existing System.

Let’s unravel the intricacies of GraphQL architecture and discover how it revolutionizes API development.

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