High-Level Design (HLD) for Amazon Prime Video System Design

5.1 User:

Users interact with the Amazon Prime Video platform through various gadgets, including of smartphones, tablets, smart TV, or internet browsers. The platform is designed to provide a seamless and consistent user experience across different gadgets.

5.2. CDN (Content Delivery Network):

The CDN plays a vital function in distributing video content efficiently to users across worldwide. It helps in reducing latency and speeds up content delivery by means of caching video segments in strategically located servers. This enables faster content delivery to users, regardless of their geographical location.

5.3. Load Balancer:

The Load Balancer distributes incominguser requests across multiple servers to make sure even distribution of the load. This enhances system scalability, fault tolerance, and premiere resource utilization. This ensures that no single server is overwhelmed, enhancing scalability, fault tolerance, and resource utilization.

5.5. Original Videos (Object Storage):

High-quality video assets are stored in distributed, scalable object storage. This storage architecture is designed to handle large volumes of data efficiently, ensuring the secure and accessible storage of original video files.

5.6. Upload Service:

When content creators add new videos to the platform, the Upload Service handles this service. It not only verifies the integrity of uploaded content but also stores it in the object storage system. Additionally, it updates metadata associated with the uploaded videos, such as title, description, and duration.

5.7. View Service:

The View Service is responsible for the overall user experience. It handles user requests for video playback, ensuring proper authorization. It interacts with various services to fetch and deliver the required video segments, contributing to a smooth viewing experience.

5.8. Video Splitting Service:

The Video Splitting Service breaks down the original video into smaller, manageable segments. These segments are then distributed for efficient streaming. This process is crucial for optimizing bandwidth usage and ensuring a continuous and uninterrupted streaming experience.

5.9. Update History Service:

The Update History Service keeps track of user viewing history. It considers personalized recommendations and allows users to resume playback from where they left off, enhancing the continuity of the viewing experience.

5.10. Inspection Service:

The Inspection Service monitors and guarantees the quality of the video content. It may additionally consist of check for resolution, bit rate, and other parameters to assure a wonderful streaming experience.

5.11. Cache:

The Inspection Service monitors and ensures the quality of video content. It performs checks on resolution, bit rate, and other parameters, guaranteeing a high-quality streaming experience for users.

5.12. Split Video File (Object Storage):

After video splitting, segmented video files are stored in object storage. These files are optimized for efficient retrieval during streaming, contributing to a responsive and seamless user experience.

5.13. Video Metadata Database:

The Video Metadata Database stores crucial information about each video, including title, description, duration, and other relevant details. This metadata is essential for cataloging and retrieving videos based on user queries.

5.14.Relational Metadata Database:

The Relational Metadata Database stores additional relational information, enhancing the platform’s search and recommendation capabilities. It facilitates efficient queries, allowing users to discover content based on various criteria.

5.15. Get Recommendation Service:

The Get Recommendation Service analyzes user preferences, viewing records, and other data to provide personalized content recommendations. This service contributes to user engagement by suggesting content aligned with individual tastes.

5.16. Generate Recommendation Feed:

Based on user preferences and system algorithms, the Generate Recommendation Feed service compiles a tailored content feed. This feed enhances the overall user experience by presenting content recommendations that align with users’ interests, promoting content discovery and engagement.

Designing Amazon Prime Video | System Design

Amazon Prime Video is a popular streaming provider that offers a wide library of movies, TV shows, and unique content to hundreds of thousands of users worldwide. Designing such a complex system involves addressing diverse challenges related to scalability, reliability, and overall performance. In this article, we’re going to discover the High-level design and Low-Level design of Amazon Prime Video, which focuses on key components and considerations.

Important Topics for Designing Amazon Prime Video

  • Requirements for Amazon Prime Video System Design
  • Capacity Estimation for Amazon Prime Video System Design
  • Use case Diagram for Amazon Prime Video System Design
  • Low-Level Design (LLD) for Amazon Prime Video System Design
  • High-Level Design (HLD) for Amazon Prime Video System Design
  • Database Design for Amazon Prime Video System Design
  • Microservices used for Amazon Prime Video System Design
  • APIs used for Amazon Prime Video System Design
  • API Code Implementation for Amazon Prime Video System Design
  • Scalability for Amazon Prime Video System Design
  • Components details for Amazon Prime Video System Design
    • User Interface
    • Content Delivery Network (CDN)
    • Video Encoding and Storage
    • Recommendation Engine:

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12. Conclusion

Amazon Prime Video serves a large and diverse user base. As the platform attracts more users globally, the system must be able to handle increased traffic and demand for video content. Scalability ensures that the infrastructure can grow seamlessly to accommodate a growing number of users. Scalability allows the system to dynamically scale resources to handle sudden increases in demand....