High Availability

Kubernetes helps ensure that your application remains available even if some containers or nodes fail.

  • It achieves this through features like ReplicaSets, which manage multiple instances (replicas) of your application’s pods across different nodes in the cluster.
  • If a pod or node fails, Kubernetes can automatically restart or reschedule the pod to another node, maintaining the desired number of replicas and ensuring that your application remains accessible.

Is Kubernetes a Load Balancer?

No, Kubernetes is not a load balancer. Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and managing containerized applications. While Kubernetes can manage and deploy load balancers as part of its services, Kubernetes itself is not a load balancer. Instead, it uses various load-balancing techniques to distribute traffic to containers within a cluster, which can include built-in load balancers or external load-balancing solutions.

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1. Scalability

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2. High Availability

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3. Resource Efficiency

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4. Automated Updates and Rollbacks

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