ICMP stands for Internet Control Message Protocol. ICMP is a part of IP protocol suite. ICMP is an error reporting and network diagnostic protocol. Feedback in the network is reported to the designated host. Meanwhile, if any kind of error occur it is then reported to ICMP. ICMP protocol consists of many error reporting and diagnostic messages. ICMP protocol handles various kinds of errors such as time exceeded, redirection, source quench, destination unreachable, parameter problems etc. The messages in ICMP are divided into two types. They are given below:

  • Error Message: Error message states about the issues or problems that are faced by the host or routers during processing of IP packet.
  • Query Message: Query messages are used by the host in order to get information from a router or another host.

How Does ICMP Work?

  • The main and most significant protocol in the IP suite is called ICMP. However, unlike TCP and UDP, ICMP is a connectionless protocol, meaning it doesn’t require a connection to be established with the target device in order to transmit a message.
  • TCP and ICMP operate differently from one another; TCP is a connection-oriented protocol, while ICMP operates without a connection. Every time a connection is made prior to a message being sent, a TCP Handshake is required of both devices.
  • Datagrams including an IP header containing ICMP data are used to transmit ICMP packets. An independent data item like a packet is comparable to an ICMP datagram.


Network Layer Protocols

Network Layer is responsible for the transmission of data or communication from one host to another host connected in a network. Rather than describing how data is transferred, it implements the technique for efficient transmission. In order to provide efficient communication protocols are used at the network layer. The data is being grouped into packets or in the case of extremely large data it is divided into smaller sub packets. Each protocol used has specific features and advantages. The below article covers in detail the protocols used at the network layer.

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ICMP stands for Internet Control Message Protocol. ICMP is a part of IP protocol suite. ICMP is an error reporting and network diagnostic protocol. Feedback in the network is reported to the designated host. Meanwhile, if any kind of error occur it is then reported to ICMP. ICMP protocol consists of many error reporting and diagnostic messages. ICMP protocol handles various kinds of errors such as time exceeded, redirection, source quench, destination unreachable, parameter problems etc. The messages in ICMP are divided into two types. They are given below:...


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