Integration and System Testing

In this phase, first, all modules are independently checked for errors, bugs. Then they are related to their dependents and dependency is checked for errors finally all modules are integrated into one complete software and checked as a whole for bugs.

Support from Risk Management Activities

In this phase, designed controls are tested to see whether they work accurately in an integrated environment. This phase includes three activities: Integration Activity, Integration Testing Activity, and System Testing Activity. We will be discussing these activities in a bit more detail along with the risk factors in each activity.

  • Integration Activity: In this phase, individual units are combined into one working system.
    • Risk Factors:
      • Difficulty in combining components: Integration should be done incrementally else it will be very difficult to locate errors and bugs. The wrong sequence of integration will eventually hamper the functionality for which the system was designed.
      • Integrate wrong versions of components: Developing a system involves writing multiple versions of the same component. If the incorrect version of the component is selected for integration it may not produce the desired functionality.
      • Omissions: Integration of components should be done carefully. Single missed components may result in errors and bugs, that will be difficult to locate.
  • Integration Testing Activity: After integrating the components next step is to test whether the components interface correctly and to evaluate their integration. This process is known as integration testing.
    • Risk Factors:
      • Bugs during integration: If wrong versions of components are integrated or components are accidentally omitted, then it will result in bugs and errors in the resultant system.
      • Data loss through the interface: Wrong integration leads to a data loss between the components where the number of parameters in the calling component does not match the number of parameters in the called component.
      • Desired functionality not achieved: Errors and bugs introduced during integration result in a system that fails to generate the desired functionality.
      • Difficulty in locating and repairing errors: If integration is not done incrementally, it results in errors and bugs that are hard to locate. Even if the bugs are located, they need to be fixed. Fixing errors in one component may introduce errors in other components. Thus it becomes quite cumbersome to locate and repair errors.
  • System Testing Activity: In this step integrated system is tested to ensure that it meets all the system requirements gathered from the users.
    • Risk Factors:
      • Unqualified testing team: The lack of a good testing team is a major setback for good software as testers may misuse the available resources and testing tools.
      • Limited testing resources: Time, budget, and tools if not used properly or unavailable may delay project delivery.
      • Not possible to test in a real environment: Sometimes it is not able to test the system in a real environment due to lack of budget, time constraints, etc.
      • Testing cannot cope with requirements change: User requirements often change during the entire software development life cycle, so test cases should be designed to handle such changes. If not designed properly they will not be able to cope with change.
      • The system being tested is not testable enough: If the requirements are not verifiable, then In that case it becomes quite difficult to test such a system.

Integrating Risk Management in SDLC | Set 3

We have already discussed the first four steps of the Software Development Life Cycle. In this article, we will be discussing the remaining four steps: Integration and System Testing, Installation, Operation and Acceptance Testing, Maintenance, and Disposal. We will discuss Risk Management in these four steps in detail.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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