Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are specific terms or phrases added to your ad campaigns or website targeting settings that prevent your ads or website from appearing in search results that include those terms.


  • You sell high-end jewelry: You might add “cheap,” “costume,” or “fake” as negative keywords to avoid irrelevant clicks from people searching for budget-friendly alternatives.
  • You offer SEO services: You might add “free,” “DIY,” or “software” as negative keywords to avoid appearing in searches for self-service options or unrelated software tools.


  • Save money: By preventing irrelevant clicks, you only pay for ads or website traffic that’s likely to convert.
  • Improve click-through rate (CTR): Your ads appear to more relevant users, leading to a higher percentage of clicks.
  • Boost Quality Score (for PPC): Google rewards relevant targeting with a higher Quality Score, potentially lowering your cost per click.
  • Refine your target audience: Ensure your ads and website reach the right people.


  • Over-exclusion: Be careful not to exclude relevant keywords by accident. Start with broad negatives and refine gradually.
  • Limited impact on organic search: Primarily applies to paid advertising and website targeting, though indirectly improving relevance can benefit organic ranking.
  • Requires ongoing monitoring: New search terms emerge, so regularly review and update your negative keywords.

Usage and Optimization Strategies:

  • Identify irrelevant searches: Analyze your search queries, website traffic, and competitor keywords to find irrelevant terms.
  • Start broad, then refine: Start with broad negative keywords like “free” or “used” and then add more specific ones based on performance.
  • Use different match types: Utilize broad match negative, phrase match negative, and exact match negative for granular control.
  • Monitor performance: Regularly review your negative keywords and adjust them based on data and changes in search trends.
  • Leverage keyword research tools: Tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush can help identify irrelevant keywords.

Types of SEO Keywords

Keywords are the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. But with so many different types, the keyword research journey gets difficult. This guide dives deep into the various categories of SEO keywords, offering a clear understanding of their unique strengths and applications. From high-volume head terms to hyper-focused long-tails, we’ll equip you with the knowledge to select the right keywords for your specific goals. Whether you’re aiming for brand awareness, targeted traffic, or local dominance, this comprehensive guide will empower you to make informed decisions and craft content that resonates with your ideal audience. Let’s have a look at 13 Major types of SEO keywords:

Table of Content

  • 1. Short-Tail Keywords
  • 2. Long-Tail Keywords:
  • 3. Head Keywords
  • 4. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Keywords:
  • 5. Geo-Targeted Keywords
  • 6. Branded Keywords
  • 7. Competitor’s Keywords
  • 8. Transactional Keywords
  • 9. Local Keywords
  • 10. Negative Keywords
  • 11. Customer-defining keywords
  • 12. Evergreen Keywords
  • 13. Product Keywords

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