Peru (1821)

After the USA and Haiti, Peru is the next one among  the oldest countries in the Americas. What makes Peru special is its culture and the heritage that comes among with it. This landmass of the Inca Empire was an important part of world history. Architectures like Machu Picchu are an important proof of Peru’s rich history.

In the year 1821, Peru achieved its independence after a lot of efforts. After freeing itself from the Spanish Rule, the country went to an era of self governance and administration. At the current date, Peru is divided into 25 administrative regions, and because of political instability faced by the country, there have been more than 70 presidents till date.

Oldest Countries in the Americas

The United States of America is the first of the oldest countries in the Americas. The Americas is the total landmass when the North and South American continents are combined together. The Americas contain 13% of the total world population.

In this article, we go in-depth about the oldest countries in the Americas.

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List of 10 Oldest Countries in the Americas

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10 Oldest Countries in the Americas

Starting with the United States of America, further we have provided the detailed formation and overview about each country which got formed in the Americas. Starting with the period of 1776, we have covered all the 10 oldest formations of countries in the Americas:...

10. Panama (1903)

Panama has been acting like a pot of civilizations and diverse cultures for centuries, all at one place. Spanish travellers reached here in the 16th century, and this brought centuries of colonial rule and governmental interference. After years of struggle and disputes, Panama gained independence from Columbia in the year 1903....

9. Canada (1867)

The 9th among  the oldest countries in the Americas is Canada. Also knows as the maple-country, the flag of Canada has a maple leaf imprinted on it. Various tribes have resided in Canada for a long period of time. The culture is really vast and diverse, it can be assumed from the fact that it ranges from the Arctic to the Pacific coast. In the 15th century, the Europeans reached the landmass and began to explore, and over time they seized control....

8. Guatemala (1847)

Coming at 8th among the oldest countries in the Americas, Guatemala’s history is rich with the ancient Maya civilization, whose impressive architectures enhance the beauty of the country to this day. The Spanish came here in the 16th century, and brought several changes to this region. After suffering centuries of colonial rule, Guatemala fought for its independence. After years of struggle, they achieved independence in the year 1847....

7. Dominican Republic (1844)

The Dominican Republic is the 7th among  the oldest countries in the Americas. This country shares the same island with Haiti, the island is called Hispaniola. It also has a diverse history shaped by the regional Taíno culture, the African heritage, and the Spanish colonies ruling earlier. The country gained its independence from Haiti in the year 1844. The independence of Dominican Republic marked it as the second country to do so in the Caribbean....

6. Brazil (1822)

Sixth on our list of  the oldest countries in the Americas, Brazil marks its place. Brazil has a history as diverse as its people, it has a mix of regional, African, and European cultures. Brazil is also the country with the largest rainforest in the world. Portugal arrived in the country during the beginning of 16th century, and after suffering centuries of colonization, Brazil declared its independence from the Portuguese Empire in the year 1822....

5. Costa Rica (1821)

The fifth on our list of  the oldest countries in the Americas is Costa Rica. This country is widely known for its stunning natural beauty. The various steps towards the conservation of environment and natural condition are the factors shaping the beauty of this country. Like the other countries of the Americas, Costa Rica is full of diverse cultures, thanks to the diverse and ancient cultures forming the population of the nation....

4. Mexico (1821)

It is time for the 4th number of our list of  the oldest countries in the Americas. Mexico stands as one of  the oldest countries in the Americas with history even older than European colonies. Just like Peru, Mexico also has a diverse and important history....

3. Peru (1821)

After the USA and Haiti, Peru is the next one among  the oldest countries in the Americas. What makes Peru special is its culture and the heritage that comes among with it. This landmass of the Inca Empire was an important part of world history. Architectures like Machu Picchu are an important proof of Peru’s rich history....

2. Haiti (1804)

The second on our list of the oldest countries in the Americas is Haiti. An important fact about Haiti is that it became the first independent state in the Caribbean. This made Haiti the first ever Free Black country over the globe. Toussaint Louverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines were the important leaders of The Haitian Revolution. Their efforts and determination gradually resulted in the independence of the country in 1804....

1. United States of America (1776)

At the first place of  the oldest countries in the Americas, the United States of America got independent in the year 1776 through the American revolution. After marking itself free from British rule, the USA became the first sovereign country on the Americas. Their constitution got signed on September 17th of the year 1787. After that, it has been made official 27 times, and 46 presidents have been elected till date....


Started as a single landmass, the Americas developed some basic civilisation and then over a course of time, colonies, and then different countries started to take shape. The United States of America was the first among the oldest countries in the Americas. Each of the countries had unique civilizations and their proof is in existence even now. Through this article, we had a glimpse of the oldest countries in the Americas, and some information about them....

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What is the oldest empire in the Americas?...