Query Types

Query in GraphQL is used to fetch data from APIs. A query in GraphQL schema may or may not contain a “mutation” type field. Query Types are same as Object Types and these query Types defines the entry point for every query. In Query Type, a request is made from the client side to the GraphQL server.


type Query {
field_name1: data_type
field_name2: data_type
field_name2(parameter1:data_type, parameter2: data_type,......parameterN:data_type): data_type


type Query  {
about: String

Types in GraphQL

GraphQL is a strongly typed query language used as a manipulative language for various APIs. It is also called a query language for APIs. GraphQL also helps to describe our data. GraphQL services can run in any language In this, Types are the fundamental concepts that define various data types present in GraphQL and It is also used to define the schema using different data types. There are multiple types in GraphQL.

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Types in GraphQL

An application that possesses GraphQL service allows users to make queries by defining a set of types that describes the set of all possible data needed. So, when a query request comes in, these are validated and executed against the schema defined. The different types of Types in GraphQL are as follows...

1. Scalar Types

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2. Object Types

It is the basic and most used Type in GraphQL. It represents a group of fields in which each field has a specific name and a value corresponding to it i.e. These Object Types are that we can fetch from our service and also the values-fields that it contains. It includes Scalar Types and other Types....

3. Query Types

Query in GraphQL is used to fetch data from APIs. A query in GraphQL schema may or may not contain a “mutation” type field. Query Types are same as Object Types and these query Types defines the entry point for every query. In Query Type, a request is made from the client side to the GraphQL server....

4. Not Null Types

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5. Enumeration Types

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6. List Types

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7. Union Types

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Types in GraphQL are also used to define a schema and we can use that schema in queries to fetch data from the database through APIs, whenever user wants. There are some of the main abstract types in GraphQL. Checkout, if you want to know more about GraphQL...