React Virtual DOM

Virtual DOM is one of the crucial feature of ReactJS which makes it really fast. The Virtual DOM is a lightweight copy of actual DOM maintained by React. Every time the state of our application changes, the virtual DOM gets updated instead of the real DOM.

Does it inhances performance?

When new elements are added or any changes happens to the UI, a virtual DOM, which is represented as a tree is created. Each element is assigned as a node on this tree. If the state of any of these elements changes, a new virtual DOM tree is created. This tree is then compared with the previous virtual DOM tree. Later the virtual DOM calculates the best possible method to make these changes to the real DOM. This helps to do minimal operations on the real DOM which reduces the performance cost of updating the real DOM.

Essential things to know as React Developer

React is an open-source JavaScript library used to create user interfaces in a declarative and efficient way. It is a component-based front-end library responsible only for the view layer of a Model View Controller(MVC) architecture. React is used to create modular user interfaces and promotes the development of reusable UI components that display dynamic data. This article covers all the essential topics provided by ReactJS which every developer should know.

Table of Content

  • Why we should learn ReactJS
  • JSX and its expressions.
  • React Virtual DOM
  • Props and State in React
  • Components in React
  • State Management in React
  • React Hooks
  • Performance
  • Lifecycle Methods in React
  • Conditional Rendering

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