Realtime Database Event Types


  • The value event type is triggered whenever the data at a specified path in the realtime database changes, providing the current snapshot of the data at that path.
  • This event is useful for fetching the initial state of the data and for listening to changes in the entire contents of a specific path

Example: Listening for value Changes

firebase.database().ref('users/1').on('value', function(snapshot) {
var data = snapshot.val();
console.log("New data:", data);


  • Executing the above code will continuously listen for changes to the data at the path /users/1 in the Realtime Database and log the new data whenever it changes.
  • child_added, child_changed, child_removed.
  • These event types are triggered when a new child is added, an existing child is changed, or a child is removed from the specified path, respectively.

Firebase Event Types

Firebase provides event types such as value, child_added, onSnapshot, and onAuthStateChanged across its services like Realtime Database, Cloud Firestore and Authentication. These event types enable developers to build real-time applications and trigger actions based on changes in data or authentication state.

In this article, We will learn about these event types are essential for creating dynamic and interactive applications with Firebase in detail.

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Understanding Firebase Event Types

Firebase provides event types across its services like Realtime Database, Cloud Firestore, Authentication, and Cloud Functions allowing developers to build real-time applications and trigger actions based on changes in data or authentication state. In the real-time database, the value event type is triggered when data at a specified path changes, providing a snapshot of the current data. Additionally, child_added, child_changed and child_removed events are triggered when a new child is added, an existing child is changed, or a child is removed from a specified path. Cloud Firestore offers the onSnapshot event type, allowing developers to listen for real-time changes to a document or query result, triggering whenever the document or query result changes. For Authentication, the onAuthStateChanged event type is triggered when the user’s authentication state changes, such as signing in, signing out or when the current user changes. Examples are provided for each event type, demonstrating how to use them in Firebase applications. Outputs show the expected results when the code is executed, illustrating the behavior of each event type in Firebase....

1. Realtime Database Event Types


2. Cloud Firestore Event Types


3. Authentication Event Types



Understanding Firebase event types is essential for building real-time applications and responding to user interactions and data changes effectively. By leveraging event types like value, child_added, onSnapshot, and onAuthStateChanged, developers can create dynamic and interactive applications that provide a seamless user experience. Remember to consider security rules and optimize performance while implementing Firebase event listeners in your applications....