Security advantages of Bare Metal Servers

  • Isolated from other servers:
    • Bare metal servers are mostly used by a certain individual or a certain organization. There is no concept of using shared resources which is used by multiple user of different organizations.
    • This isolation feature of bare metal servers is useful for security purposes, as only a certain individual or individuals of a certain organization can access the server.
  • Enhanced Control Over Security Measures:
    • The users have the full control over the bare metal servers, and the security measures used in them. Users can manipulate those security measures and customize the firewall if necessary according to their need and the need of the application.
  • Reduced Attack Surface:
    • As compared to the Virtualized servers, Bare Metal servers have a less amount of attack surface associated with them, attack surface means the number of ways the hacker can gain access to the applications running on the server.
  • Physical Security:
    • As bare metal servers are physically isolated from other servers, unlike the virtualized servers, it is much more secure as only certain authorized individuals or organizations can only access and manipulate that server. No other tenant or individual can get access to it as it is not being shared with anyone else.
  • Secure Boot and Hardware-Level Security Features:
    • Most of the times, Bare Metal servers are equipped with some hardware-level securitty features like TPM and Secure Boot Processes support. These added layer of security enhances the integrity of the server’s boot process and safeguards from any unauthrorized access.

Bare Metal Servers | Networks in System Design

In today’s rapidly evolving world of technology, the unending desire for Optimal Performance, Reliability, and Scalability in System Design is constant. One of the most important choices the developers had to make was the underlying infrastructure of those systems.

Important Topics for the Bare Metal Servers

  • What is a Bare Metal Server?
  • Advantages of Bare Metal Servers
  • Disadvantages of Bare Metal Servers:
  • Use Cases of Bare Metal Servers
  • Operating System Options for Bare Metal Servers
  • The Process of Procuring and Deploying a Bare Metal Server
  • Security advantages of Bare Metal Servers
  • Networking and Connectivity for Bare Metal Servers
  • How to manage the Bare Metal Servers
  • Difference Between Bare Metal Servers and Virtualization

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2. Advantages of Bare Metal Servers

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3. Disadvantages of Bare Metal Servers

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4. Use Cases of Bare Metal Servers

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5. Operating System Options for Bare Metal Servers

Bare Metal servers allow the users to choose any of the renowned operating systems they want to work with. The choice of the OS relies on some factors like performance, compatibility and most importantly how well versed is the system administrator with that OS. Below are some of the most common OS options for Bare Metal Servers –...

6. The Process of Procuring and Deploying a Bare Metal Server

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7. Security advantages of Bare Metal Servers

Isolated from other servers: Bare metal servers are mostly used by a certain individual or a certain organization. There is no concept of using shared resources which is used by multiple user of different organizations. This isolation feature of bare metal servers is useful for security purposes, as only a certain individual or individuals of a certain organization can access the server. Enhanced Control Over Security Measures: The users have the full control over the bare metal servers, and the security measures used in them. Users can manipulate those security measures and customize the firewall if necessary according to their need and the need of the application. Reduced Attack Surface: As compared to the Virtualized servers, Bare Metal servers have a less amount of attack surface associated with them, attack surface means the number of ways the hacker can gain access to the applications running on the server. Physical Security: As bare metal servers are physically isolated from other servers, unlike the virtualized servers, it is much more secure as only certain authorized individuals or organizations can only access and manipulate that server. No other tenant or individual can get access to it as it is not being shared with anyone else. Secure Boot and Hardware-Level Security Features: Most of the times, Bare Metal servers are equipped with some hardware-level securitty features like TPM and Secure Boot Processes support. These added layer of security enhances the integrity of the server’s boot process and safeguards from any unauthrorized access....

8. Networking and Connectivity for Bare Metal Servers

Network and Connectivity is one of the key feature of the bare metal servers which differentiate it with the virtualized servers and plays a crucial role ensuring the optimization , reliability and security for the applications running over it. Below are some of the Network and connectivity feature supported by Bare Metal servers –...

9. How to manage the Bare Metal Servers

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10. Difference Between Bare Metal Servers and Virtualization
