The Russian Empire

  • The Russian Empire occupied around 16.92% of land during years 1721 – 1917. Also referred to as The Imperial Empire, it started it’s ruling from most of the parts of Northern Eurasia. After the decline of Ottoman Empire in the start of eighteenth century, the Russian Empire saw it’s way as after the Great Northern War, the rule of Sweden and Poland also came to an end.
  • The Russian Empire started to set it’s hands on military and unified the country as a whole into Moscow. The Tsardom system prevailed during those times, which meant that tsar was supposed to be the highest noble or authority. This system started to decline during the rule of The Russian Empire. It started by involving Europe into the Russian Rule and the first king of the empire was Peter The Great (1672 – 1725).
  • Peter built Russia’s the then capital “Saint Petersburg” and occupied several military forces to defeat the Ottoman Empire. Under his rule new provinces and districts were formed, and tax revenues were tripled by then. After the death of Peter, there was no heir to ascend the throne, so Empress Catherine succeeded the throne and defeated the Ottoman Empire in true terms and also removed several rules and laws imposed by Peter one of those being The Beard Tax Rule, where in people having beard were supposed to pay taxes. She was known for her great governance and an eminent power of ruling.
  • However, when her son Paul The Great succeeded the throne a war with France began and inspite of the victory over Napolean Bonaparte in 1807, they lost major wars in 1854-55 after the death of Paul. In 1903, the society got divided into Mensheviks & Bolsheviks, where they were of different mindsets. The former believed to bring above the underprivileged and underdeveloped people, whereas the latter sought to create rules of disciplinary and eminent personalities.
  • After the defeat of Russia in World War II, and the abdication by Nicholas II, that is, refusal of accepting the throne led to the end of Russian Empire.

Greatest Empires in the World History

The Greatest empires of the world have been those that have established severe autocratic rule over people of all countries. The Greatest empires are defined using the areas they covered and the land they occupied during their rule. This article covers 5 major empires that set their ruling in the history of regimes and how the world witnessed their rise and fall. The top 5 Great Empires in World History that have ruled over the world are the British Empire, Mongol Empire, Russian Empire, Spanish Empire & Ottoman Empire.

Table of Content

  • Greatest Empires in the World History
  • 1. The British Empire
  • 2. The Mongol Empire
  • 3. The Russian Empire
  • 4. The Spanish Empire
  • 5. The Ottoman Empire
  • FAQs on Greatest Empires in the World History

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1. The British Empire

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2. The Mongol Empire

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3. The Russian Empire

The Russian Empire occupied around 16.92% of land during years 1721 – 1917. Also referred to as The Imperial Empire, it started it’s ruling from most of the parts of Northern Eurasia. After the decline of Ottoman Empire in the start of eighteenth century, the Russian Empire saw it’s way as after the Great Northern War, the rule of Sweden and Poland also came to an end....

4. The Spanish Empire

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5. The Ottoman Empire

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This article thus described about the powers and acquisition of different empires and their emperors and empresses. It was a series of battles to win over the land of other countries and continents and establish the supremacy of one’s own empire until every country gained freedom in the twentieth century. Of all the countries, the most deadliest and powerful rule was of the British all over the world which had captured around a quarter of the total planet’s area. It also ruled on India for more than 250 years. The British not only ruled all over the world but also took away certain possessions and artefacts. Though it also helped in the overall economic and resource development of several nations. However, the long freedom struggle freed us from the hands of the British and today we stand united....

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