
It is one of the most important principles of Corporate Governance for a company. The stakeholders and the employees of the company should know about the activities of the company. It will ensure that some steps can be taken, if necessary for the betterment of the company. It means that the company is open and willing to provide information to its stakeholders regarding their business. The stakeholders must have proper knowledge regarding the business and the finances of a company and will help them in making correct decisions for the company.

Corporate Governance: Principles and Legal Aspect

Corporate Governance consists of two words “Corporate” and “Governance”. The general meaning of governance can be understood as the act of the company that is used to cater to the actions and affairs of the company. In short, Corporate Governance is a set of rules that is used to govern the actions of the company. It ensures that the work of the company is running smoothly, the company achieves its objectives, and provides benefits to its shareholders, employees, and workers. It also ensures that in the long run, the company caters to the needs of society with the help of certain activities without hampering their employees.

Geeky Takeaways:

  • A good Corporate Governance of a company ensures that the company is reaching various heights and earning profit in business without hampering society or their employees.
  • It creates a sense of confidence in investors’ minds and helps the company generate enough capital for their company.
  • It also helps the investors, stakeholders, and all the involved companies in the company to get an idea of whether the company is heading and what is the future of the company.
  • It encourages the stakeholders of the company to only engage in the best practices for the company.

Table of Content

  • What is Corporate Governance?
  • Principles of Corporate Governance
  • 1. Transparency
  • 2. Accountability
  • 3. Responsibility
  • 4. Risk Management
  • 5. Impartiality
  • Legal Aspects under Corporate Governance
  • Conclusion
  • Corporate Governance- FAQs

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Principles of Corporate Governance

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1. Transparency

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4. Risk Management

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5. Impartiality

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Legal Aspects under Corporate Governance

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Corporate Governance is not only company administration, rather it is a set of rules that governs all the activities of the company and ensures that the shareholders of the company do not have to face any issues because of the day-to-day operations of the company. The Board of Directors of the company must abide by the rules of Corporate Governance and they have to ensure a proper check on all the activities of the company as they are delegated with this power. These set of rules, if followed effectively will act in the benefit of all the stakeholders, shareholders, and the employees of the company....

Corporate Governance- FAQs

Explain the 4 Ps of Corporate Governance....